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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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05/20/2011 Media Advisory: U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur Joins OSU Extension Tomorrow (5/21) in Toledo to Kick Off EAB Awareness Week TOLEDO, Ohio -- U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur will join OSU Extension educators and officials from various agencies to help kick off Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week tomorrow (5/21) at Pearson Metropark, just east of Toledo.
05/24/2011 Columbus 4-H Camps Focus on Pets, Robots COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Students entering grades 6, 7 or 8 this fall have two camping opportunities at Ohio State University Extension's Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center this summer.  Martha Filipic Sally McClaskey
05/24/2011 Media Advisory: Tree Inventory in Fairborn Tomorrow (5/25) Highlights Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week FAIRBORN, Ohio -- Researchers and volunteers with Ohio State University Extension and officials with the city of Fairborn will conduct a tree inventory tomorrow (5/25) at the Community Park, in an effort to highlight the multiple environmental and economic benefits of trees as part of Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week (May 22-28).
05/25/2011 OARDC, Ford Partner to Test Russian Dandelion Rubber for Car Parts WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ford Motor Co. is joining forces with Ohio State University to find new uses for an alternative source of rubber being developed by scientists at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster. Mauricio Espinoza Bill Ravlin, Katrina Cornish
05/25/2011 Planting Delays? Read Special Edition of CORN Newsletter Now COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio farmers may want to take some time this weekend to review information and recommendations regarding the severe delays in planting this spring. Martha Filipic Glen Arnold
05/25/2011 Heavy Rainfall Causes Forage, Pasture Challenges COLUMBUS, Ohio -- It's probably best not to invoke the old saying "Make hay while the sun shines" to forage producers this year. The sun hasn't been shining very often, and they haven't had the ability to make much hay. Martha Filipic John Grimes, Jeff McCutcheon
05/25/2011 Register Now for June 9 Free Pond Clinic in Southeastern Ohio BELLE VALLEY, Ohio -- Ohio State University and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) of Guernsey and Noble counties will hold a free pond clinic from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, at the Eastern Agricultural Research Station, 16870 Bond Ridge Rd. (Township Highway 126), in Belle Valley. Mauricio Espinoza Clif Little
05/25/2011 Good morning, Baltimore! See orioles, more on Secrest bird walk WOOSTER, Ohio -- See recently arrived warm-weather birds when Secrest Arboretum in Wooster holds a free public bird walk June 11. Kurt Knebusch Ken Cochran
05/25/2011 'Whiz Bang Science Show' Explores Tornadoes WOOSTER, Ohio -- Learn about tornadoes in a place that was recently hit by one. Secrest Arboretum’s June 9 “Whiz Bang Science Show” looks at twisters: how they start, how to detect them, the damage they do and more. Kurt Knebusch Dave Lohnes
05/27/2011 Chow Line: Coffee: Fill to the brim for good health (for 6/5/11) I was surprised to hear coffee might help prevent prostate cancer. I always tried to limit coffee drinking, thinking it was a bad habit. Can I enjoy it now? Martha Filipic Amber Riggin
05/27/2011 Cut Flower Growers to Meet in Wooster Aug. 8 WOOSTER, Ohio -- The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers will hold its 2011 Midwest Regional Meeting at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Aug. 8. Megan Shoenfelt Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers
05/27/2011 OSU Sustainable Ag Tours Set: ‘Learn from the Farmers Themselves’ COLUMBUS, Ohio -- OSU's Sustainable Agriculture Team will host seven tours this spring and summer, including on new cover crop methods, specialty small grains and certified organic soybeans, as part of the 2011 Ohio Sustainable Farm Tour and Workshop Series. Kurt Knebusch Mike Hogan
06/01/2011 Media Advisory: Unique Highway Tree Planting Project Kicks Off Tomorrow (6/2) in Gahanna COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Reporters are invited tomorrow (6/2) at 10 a.m. to the kickoff of “Greening the Highways” -- a binational project that seeks to increase the survival rate and environmental benefits of trees planted in urban areas in Ontario, Canada, and Ohio. The project's first tree planting in Ohio will take place in Gahanna, at the intersection of I-270 South and Hamilton Road.
06/01/2011 It's 'Sink or Swim' Week for Ohio's Corn Growers COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Drier weather in the past few days has Ohio's farmers itching to get in their fields to get corn planted. According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, only 19 percent of Ohio's corn crop was planted as of Sunday, May 29. Normally, 93 percent of the crop is planted at this point.    Martha Filipic Greg LaBarge
06/01/2011 Fish Farming Focus of June 25 Field Day PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon, located off State Route 32 in Pike County, may not look like the ideal place for yellow perch, lake sturgeon, largemouth bass and blue gill. But it's full of surprises. The facility boasts the only aquaculture genetics lab in the Midwest and is the cornerstone of research and education for Ohio's $6 million aquaculture industry.   Julie Moose
06/01/2011 OARDC Heirloom Rose Garden, One of Largest in U.S., Holds June 11 Open House WOOSTER, Ohio -- Their roots go back a century or more. They survived a tornado last fall. And they’re having a party soon. Kurt Knebusch Kelly King
06/01/2011 June 11 Heirloom Rose Sale: ‘Can’t Buy These Anywhere Else’ WOOSTER, Ohio -- Secrest Arboretum’s Garden of Roses of Legend and Romance will have an heirloom rose sale at its June 11 open house, and all the plants were started from plants that currently grow in the garden.  Kurt Knebusch Kelly King
06/02/2011 New Icon Reveals the Power of the Plate COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Pyramid power is out. The power of the plate is in. The U.S. Department of Agriculture unveiled a new food icon, MyPlate, on June 2. It will replace the MyPyramid icon used in nutrition education since 2005. Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
06/03/2011 Chow Line: Nearly one in 100 need to avoid gluten (for 6/12/11) I see more and more foods labeled “gluten-free.” What exactly is gluten, anyway? And why don’t people want it?   Martha Filipic Amber Riggin
06/03/2011 Workshop This Saturday (6/4) on Keeping Ohio Produce Safe BOWLING GREEN, Ohio – OSU’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team reminds growers of its Produce Safety Education Program this Saturday (6/4). Reducing food-borne illness -- now in the news due to Europe’s deadly E. coli outbreak linked to raw produce -- is the focus. Kurt Knebusch Ashley Kulhanek
06/07/2011 Late Planting Could Cost Ohio Corn, Soybean Growers $980 Million -- or More COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio farmers stand to lose close to $1 billion in income from late planting of corn and soybeans this spring.  Martha Filipic Barry Ward
06/07/2011 Ohio's Tornado Season Peaking Now COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio's annual tornado season might have begun in April, but if history is any guide, June is the month to be on guard. Martha Filipic Aletha Reshan
06/09/2011 June 15: Summer Pruning Workshop in Secrest Arboretum WOOSTER, Ohio -- What’s the best way to make the cut? Find out -- through hands-on practice and expert advice -- in Secrest Arboretum. Kurt Knebusch Ken Cochran
06/09/2011 Chow Line: It's easy to put MyPlate into practice (for 6/19/11) I like the new MyPlate icon that is replacing the old food pyramid, but it doesn’t give very many details on what you should actually do. Where can I find more information?   Martha Filipic Amber Riggin
06/09/2011 Last Chance to Register for NE Ohio Lawn Care Seminar: Event is June 16 in Wooster WOOSTER, Ohio -- Registration is coming to a close for this year’s Northeast Ohio Lawn Care Seminar, which will be held Thursday, June 16, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s (OARDC) Wooster campus, 1680 Madison Ave. Mauricio Espinoza
06/09/2011 Rain Barrels and Gardening: Attend Free Event this Sunday in Columbus COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Learn about rain barrels and their use in backyard gardening this Sunday, June 12, during a free educational program held at the Waterman Agriculture and Natural Resources Laboratory, 2490 Carmack Road, on Ohio State University’s Columbus campus.  Mauricio Espinoza
06/10/2011 Sustainable Fish Farming in Ohio? Tour is June 15 URBANA, Ohio -- Freshwater Farms of Ohio, the state’s largest indoor fish hatchery, will host a free public tour June 15 as part of the 2011 Ohio Sustainable Farm Tour and Workshop Series. Kurt Knebusch Laura Tiu, Dave Smith
06/14/2011 Better Hay, Increased Grazing: Learn How at Pasture Field Day June 25 in Piketon PIKETON, Ohio -- Cool, rainy weather this spring has negatively impacted hay fields and pastures in Ohio and nearby states, preventing new seedings of alfalfa and orchardgrass and leading to a possible reduction in pasture yield and quality in the summer. Mauricio Espinoza
06/17/2011 Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts on Asian Longhorned Beetle; Hotline for SW Ohio Counties COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University experts are available to speak with reporters about the discovery in Ohio of Asian longhorned beetle (ALB), an exotic insects that kills maples and other trees, which was announced today (6/17) by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Mauricio Espinoza
06/17/2011 Family Fundamentals: Treat your college-age students like adults, not kids (for June 2011) My daughter returned home for the summer from her first year of college. We don't agree on the rules of behavior, and the tension is building. What can I do (besides count the days until she returns to campus)? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
