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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


News Archives

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Datesort descending Title Intro Author(s) Source(s)
10/18/2005 OSU Economists: Radical Changes for New Farm Bill COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A recent U.S. proposal to reduce farm subsidies to enliven World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations may have implications for the 2007 Farm Bill, say Ohio State University agricultural economists. Candace Pollock Carl Zulauf, Luther Tweeten
10/21/2005 Late-Planted Wheat May Struggle This Winter WOOSTER, Ohio — About a quarter of Ohio's wheat crop will be planted later than the recommended planting date, increasing the risk of winter kills, poor stand quality and minimal tiller development. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
10/28/2005 Delaying Corn Harvest Could Affect Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio — Low grain prices, unfavorable weather and hurricane-related transportation issues have some Ohio growers dragging their feet with corn harvest. But any further delay could cause severe stalk lodging and subsequent yield losses. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison, Pierce Paul
11/03/2005 Herbicide and Mulch Combo Superior Method of Weed Control COLUMBUS, Ohio — The challenges of weed control in the nursery and landscape industries just got easier and less expensive. Candace Pollock Hannah Mathers
11/04/2005 Ways to Cut Winter Heating Costs Plentiful COLUMBUS, Ohio —With mountains of debt already weighing heavy on the wallet, potentially high heating bills this winter could put an even tighter chokehold on a consumer's strapped budget. Candace Pollock Susan Shockey
11/07/2005 Extending the Life of Flowering Plants at the Molecular Level WOOSTER, Ohio — Flowering plants are most eye-catching when healthy and in full-bloom vigor. But something always happens to them in the pot at the nursery or in the vase on someone's kitchen table —leaves wilt; the blooms eventually die. And for many, this death tends to occur sooner rather than later. Candace Pollock Michelle Jones
11/07/2005 Ohio State Extension Offering Feedlot Management School MT. VERNON, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension is offering feedlot operators and cattle producers an educational opportunity to increase their knowledge of feedlot management. Candace Pollock Jeff McCutcheon
11/08/2005 Family Fundamentals: Happy Holidays? Cope with Stress, Tension I’m dreading the holidays. Something always happens and I usually become very upset. Is there anything I can do to de-stress and actually enjoy myself this year? Martha Filipic Ted Futris
11/09/2005 Store Now, Sell Later for the Best Grain Profits COLUMBUS, Ohio — Stockpiling rather than selling appears to be the growing trend for grain producers looking to get the best deal from their corn crop. Candace Pollock Matt Roberts
11/14/2005 Ag and the Arts Celebration Nov. 19-20 SPRINGFIELD, Ohio -- A lifetime of work and family on the farm is culminating into a weekend of music and art in celebration of a true American heritage: agriculture. Candace Pollock Denny Hall
11/15/2005 Ohio No-Till Conference Focuses on Fertility, Soil Management PLAIN CITY, Ohio -- Fertility and soil management topics highlight the annual Ohio No-Till Conference, being held Dec. 6 at Der Dutchman Restaurant in Plain City, Ohio. Candace Pollock Randall Reeder
11/16/2005 Get Started in Aquaculture at OAA Conference PIKETON, Ohio -- Learn the ins and outs of Ohio's aquaculture industry and how to get started in the business by attending the Ohio Aquaculture Association's Annual Conference and Banquet. Candace Pollock Christina Leighfield
11/17/2005 Agricultural Tax Issues Workshop Announced COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tax practitioners with an interest in farm income taxes have the opportunity to attend a one-day farm tax workshop being offered on Dec. 16. Candace Pollock Warren Lee
11/17/2005 X-ray Technology Improves Seed Assessment COLUMBUS, Ohio — The delicate nature of promoting the use of ornamental plant germplasm and preserving seed for the future lies in time and accuracy. The quicker, more efficient the process, the more beneficial it is to the floriculture industry. Candace Pollock David Tay, Susan Stieve
11/17/2005 Research Determining Best Time to Subsoil COLUMBUS, Ohio — To capitalize on the benefits of deep tillage, also known as subsoiling, when the technique is performed may be just as important as how and where it's practiced. Candace Pollock Randall Reeder
11/18/2005 School of Natural Resources Changes Name COLUMBUS, Ohio — An academic division of Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has taken on a new look in the form of a new name. Candace Pollock Jerry Bigham
11/18/2005 Chow Line: Wheat berries tasty, nutritious (for 11/27/05) I recently went to a function where they served a wheat berry salad. I thought it would have berries in it, but then I realized "wheat berry" is one thing, not two. What are wheat berries? Martha Filipic Jaime Foster
11/22/2005 Chow Line: Use time off to fight 'Freshman 15' (for 12/4/05) I just started college this fall. I'm embarrassed to go home during the holidays because I know I've gained a lot of weight (I don't have a scale but my clothes are a lot tighter). Any advice? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
11/23/2005 Ohio State Student Organization Leading Hurricane Relief Efforts COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were not just limited to people. The storms also took a toll on wildlife, the environment and agricultural industries, and an Ohio State University special interest group is journeying to southern Louisiana to help breath life back into the region. Candace Pollock, Dennis Hall Matthew McVey
11/23/2005 Soil Sampling Only Way to Catch Silent Robber of Soybean Yields WOOSTER, Ohio -- Soybean rust may have been the talk in crop fields across Ohio this season, but now is the time for growers to turn their attention toward a more elusive pest. Candace Pollock Dennis Mills
11/28/2005 Despite Planting Delays, Wheat Getting Good Marks WOOSTER, Ohio — Despite the late start for Ohio wheat planting due to persistent rainfall and delayed corn and soybean harvest, the early performance of the crop is getting good marks. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
12/02/2005 Soybean Crop Approaches Record Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Despite varied rainfall and high insect populations, Ohio's soybean crop may be headed for a record-breaking year in yields. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
12/07/2005 Family Fundamentals: Plan Now for Your 2006 Holiday Spending (Dec. 2005) Despite our hope that this year would be different, my partner and I are spending more than we planned for the holidays. We don't want to get in the same rut next year. Any ideas? Martha Filipic Nancy Hudson
12/07/2005 Midwest Liner Market Possible with Retractable Roof Greenhouses COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Containerized tree liners grown in retractable roof greenhouses before being transferred to field production have higher growth and survivability rates than field bareroot material, according to Ohio State University horticulture and crop science research. Candace Pollock Hannah Mathers
12/09/2005 New Youth Beef Cattle Show Targets Market Performance COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio youth enrolled in 4-H or FFA market beef projects will have the opportunity to participate in a program rewarding cattle for traits which determine their value beyond the feedlot and into the marketplace. Candace Pollock Amy Radunz
12/14/2005 Vet-Med Opportunities with New Ohio State Degree Program COLUMBUS, Ohio — A new academic program, being offered by Ohio State University's Department of Animal Sciences in collaboration with Columbus State Community College, is adding career opportunities for students interested in the field of veterinary medicine. Candace Pollock Amy Lahmers
12/16/2005 Corn Surprises, Despite Rough Growing Season COLUMBUS, Ohio — One couldn't tell from Ohio's average corn yield that 2005 was a rough season for growers. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
12/20/2005 Ohio State Students Help in Hurricane Recovery Efforts BATON ROUGE, La -- What do buckeyes and tigers have in common? Most likely nothing, but when it comes to rebuilding the lives of hurricane victims, they are indistinguishable. Candace Pollock Mark Schexnayder, Rene Schmit, Rusty Batty
12/21/2005 New Tests Added to Corn Performance Trials COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The scope of this year's Ohio State University Ohio Corn Performance Trials has been broadened to accommodate increasing interest in other production practices. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
12/21/2005 Trials Help Poinsettias Get New Look for the Holidays COLUMBUS, Ohio — Most of them are red and heart-shaped. But others are white, pink, red-orangey, peachy, lime or red with white speckles, and look more like a rose, a carnation or a holly leaf. Mauricio Espinoza Claudio Pasian
