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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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08/18/2005 No Soybean Rust? Tuck Fungicides Away for Winter WOOSTER, Ohio — With the need to treat soybean rust now highly unlikely this growing season, the next step for Ohio farmers is to just tuck their fungicides away this winter. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
08/18/2005 Season Remainder Remote for Soybean Rust WOOSTER, Ohio — Worries over soybean rust are now behind Ohio growers. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
08/19/2005 Chow Line: Vitamin K appears vital for bones (for 8/28/05) What does vitamin K do? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
08/23/2005 Software Increases Chemical Application Accuracy COLUMBUS, Ohio — It is impossible to eliminate spray drift, but a new product developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Ohio State University may aid in keeping chemicals within their intended target. Candace Pollock Erdal Ozkan
08/24/2005 Gardening Good Therapy for Arthritis Sufferers BOWLING GREEN, Ohio — Next to walking, gardening is the most preferred form of exercise for arthritis sufferers, and an Ohio State University Extension program is being developed to help garden lovers get the most out of the experience with the least amount of discomfort. Candace Pollock Deborah Kegelmeyer, Marie Matuszak
08/24/2005 Drought-Stressed Crops May Pose Risks to Livestock COLUMBUS, Ohio — Dry conditions can do more than just put yield limits on corn. Such situations can also be cause for concern for those growers harvesting their crop for silage. Candace Pollock Maurice Eastridge, Peter Thomison
08/24/2005 New Ohio Tax Good for Economy, Economists Say COLUMBUS, Ohio — A new Ohio tax, part of a sweeping tax reform, may bring about what the current tax system has struggled to achieve: boost Ohio's lagging economy. Candace Pollock David Kraybill, Carl Zulauf
08/24/2005 Ohio Military Kids Camps Set for this Fall COLUMBUS, Ohio -- When Ohio’s soldiers are deployed into active duty, they often leave children behind. “I am amazed at how hard the kids take it,” said Dona Leonhard, a graduate associate with Ohio 4-H Youth Development and Operation: Military Kids, a federal program launched in April that targets 20 states with high deployment rates. “The camp we had in July really enlightened me about how stressful a situation it is for these kids.” Martha Filipic Sue Ann Carroll
08/25/2005 Media Advisory: International Horticulturist to Visit Chadwick Arboretum COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Internationally renown horticulturist Adrian Bloom will visit Ohio State University's Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens Sept. 7 to aid in the installation of a new perennial garden. Candace Pollock Mary Maloney
08/26/2005 Chow Line: What works for weight loss (for 9/4/05) I’ve been trying to lose weight all year (New Year’s resolution) but keep getting off track, and I’m losing and gaining the same five pounds over and over again. Any ideas? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
08/29/2005 Internationally Renowned Horticulturist to Visit Chadwick Arboretum COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University's Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens is welcoming a new perennial garden this fall with the aid of an internationally renowned horticulturist. Candace Pollock Mary Maloney
08/30/2005 Soybean Defoliators Make Way for Pod Feeders WOOSTER, Ohio — The soybean aphid may be on the downturn from high summer populations, but its diminishment doesn't necessarily mean an end to scouting fields. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
09/01/2005 Make Food Plan Now for Emergencies COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With clear weather in the forecast, flood warnings from earlier this week might seem like a distant memory. But Ohio State University Extension nutritionist Sharron Coplin said that this is the perfect time to do some menu planning and pantry inventory for emergencies. Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
09/09/2005 Breeding Project Aims for Larger, Fast-Growing Perch PIKETON, Ohio — The aquacultural world of pond-raised fish is governed mainly by two market demands: fish size and filet quality. An absence of either one could leave individuals in the business floundering. Candace Pollock Geoff Wallat
09/09/2005 Scouting for Soybean Rust Not Over Yet WOOSTER, Ohio — Scouting for soybean rust in Ohio is not quite over yet. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
09/13/2005 Learn How to Apply for SARE Grants at FSR CARROLLTON, Ohio — Farmers, producers and ranchers, and those who work with these individuals can now apply for a U.S. Department of Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) grant. Candace Pollock Mike Hogan
09/13/2005 Testing the Best Fungicide Coverage for Soybean Rust WOOSTER, Ohio — Soybean rust may be a manageable disease, but getting effective fungicide coverage with the most efficient equipment and the least amount of cost may turn out to be a challenge. Candace Pollock Erdal Ozkan
09/15/2005 OARDC Receives NorTech Innovation Award for Bio-energy Initiative WOOSTER, Ohio — The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) is looking for new ways to meet the energy challenges currently facing the United States from a very unusual source — waste generated by farming and food-processing operations. Mauricio Espinoza Floyd Schanbacher
09/15/2005 Soybean Rust Manual Available at FSR LONDON, Ohio -- Soybean rust may be confined to the southern United States, but that doesn't mean Ohio and other Midwest soybean growers should forget about the disease and how to manage it. A soybean rust manual, "Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust," is a valuable tool designed to help walk growers through disease identification and proper fungicide applications. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
09/15/2005 Triway, Wooster Grads Earn OARDC Family Scholarship Awards WOOSTER, Ohio — Gwen Chamberlain and Kristen Jackwood have received the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s (OARDC) 2005 Family Scholarship Awards. Kurt Knebusch OARDC Human Resources office
09/16/2005 Ohio's Corn Benefited Little from Hurricane Katrina COLUMBUS, Ohio — Rain from the remnants of Hurricane Katrina arrived too late to benefit most of Ohio's drought-stressed corn crop. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
09/19/2005 Using Optical Sensors to Improve Nitrogen Management WOOSTER, Ohio — Nitrogen management is probably the single most variable production input growers face in agriculture, and with the continued increase in fertilizer costs, application efficiency is becoming increasingly important. Candace Pollock Robert Mullen
09/27/2005 Chadwick Arboretum Blooming With New Garden COLUMBUS, Ohio — Adrian Bloom, an internationally renowned horticulturist who has spent 30 years incorporating his blend of perennials, woody plants and grasses in gardens throughout England and North America, has left his mark on Ohio State University. Candace Pollock Mary Maloney
09/27/2005 Synergy Key to Farm Science Review Success LONDON, Ohio — A cloudy, cool kick-off at Ohio State University's Farm Science Review gave way to a sunny, warm wrap-up, helping to mark another successful year for the agricultural event. Candace Pollock Chuck Gamble
09/27/2005 Ohio State Leads Nation in Animal Welfare Education COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State University, through a unique international collaboration, is striving to become the premier university in the nation on animal welfare education. Candace Pollock James Kinder, Paul Hemsworth
10/04/2005 Coal-Burning Byproduct Has Agricultural Use WOOSTER, Ohio — Synthetic gypsum, a byproduct of burning coal, may have use in agriculture as a fertilizer and soil amendment, according to Ohio State University researchers. Candace Pollock Warren Dick
10/05/2005 For the Most Out of Soybeans, Don't Sit on Harvest COLUMBUS, Ohio — If there's one thing soybean growers can do to get the most out of their drought-stressed crop, it's harvest as soon as the beans reach optimum moisture levels. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
10/13/2005 Growers to See Changes in Nitrogen Application Recommendations WOOSTER, Ohio — Nitrogen application recommendations for Midwest farmers will soon be changing, mainly driven by a need to be more cost efficient as fertilizer prices continue to rise. Candace Pollock Robert Mullen
10/13/2005 Family Fundamentals: Bankruptcy Still an Option Even Under New Rules (for October 2005) I was laid off last week and have no prospects yet. I’ve heard the bankruptcy laws have changed. If I can’t get ahead soon, will I still be able to file? Martha Filipic Sharon Seiling
10/18/2005 Producers Be Aware: Some Forages Toxic to Livestock COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio producers who graze their livestock on sorghum, sudangrass or sorghum-sudangrass crosses should keep in mind toxicity issues associated with the forages. Candace Pollock Steve Boyles
