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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Datesort descending Title Intro Author(s) Source(s)
09/27/2004 Ohio State Vet Med Offering Aquaculture Diagnostics Workshop COLUMBUS, Ohio — Individuals interested in aquaculture, fish diseases and hands-on diagnostic training are invited to attend a 2-day workshop at Ohio State University's College of Veterinary Medicine Oct. 1-2. Candace Pollock Jeff Workman
09/29/2004 Lawn Maintenance Made Easy COLUMBUS, Ohio — In the face of insects, diseases and stress, favor the growth of the grass and a lawn will take care of itself. Candace Pollock Dave Gardner
09/30/2004 Soybean Yields Surprisingly High Early into Harvest COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio soybeans may turn out to be the surprise performance of the growing season. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
10/05/2004 Improving Grape Quality with Precision Agriculture COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Precision agriculture is mainly equated with production of field crops, but the technology is finding its place among other agricultural industries. Candace Pollock Dharmendra Saraswat, Reza Ehsani
10/05/2004 BioEnergy Conference to Showcase Ohio's Energy Resources COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio is one of the leading states in biomass resources, and an upcoming bioenergy conference is designed to introduce participants to those resources and the feasibility of converting them into potentially useful energy alternatives. Candace Pollock Denny Hall
10/06/2004 Media Advisory: Ohio State Wetlands Complex to be Dedicated COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The final stages of Ohio State University's "Buckeye Swamp" will culminate with the dedication of the wetlands teaching, research and service complex on Oct. 8. Candace Pollock Karen Frees
10/06/2004 Shrimp Production Opportunities Continue to Expand PIKETON, Ohio — Production opportunities for growers delving into the shrimp market continue to expand with newly developed Ohio State University research on feeding options. Candace Pollock Laura Tiu
10/12/2004 Now's the Time for Fall Herbicide Treatments COLUMBUS, Ohio — Now that Ohio has experienced its first frost of the season, growers should be conducting fall herbicide treatments in preparation for spring planting. Candace Pollock Jeff Stachler
10/13/2004 Soy Biodiesel a Success on Ohio State Campus COLUMBUS, Ohio — Thanks to Ohio soybeans, the Ohio State University campus community is breathing a lot easier. Candace Pollock Denny Hall
10/20/2004 Soybean Aphid May Be Back Next Year WOOSTER, Ohio — The soybean aphid, which was practically nonexistent in soybean fields this growing season, may be back with a vengeance next year. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
10/20/2004 Ohio Master Gardeners Look to the Future WOOSTER, Ohio -- "Harvesting the Past, Sowing the Future" marks the theme for the Ohio Master Gardener Conference, an event that attracts more than 400 state Master Gardeners each year. Candace Pollock Mary Maloney
10/25/2004 Say Good-bye to Manually Controlled Sprayers COLUMBUS, Ohio — Spraying is one of the most stressful operations in agriculture, not only requiring concentration from the operator to avoid chemical drift or overlap, but also manual operation of boom sections that house the sprayer nozzles. A new advancement in precision agriculture technology may change that. Candace Pollock Jeff Rohlena, Reza Ehsani
10/26/2004 Get the Most of Crop Performance: Soil Sample in the Fall WOOSTER, Ohio — Soils can be sampled and tested at any time during the year, but for plants to get the most of soil fertility, nutrients, and fertilizer, sampling should be conducted in the fall. Candace Pollock Maurice Watson
10/26/2004 Learn About Ag Labor Camps at Upcoming Workshops COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State University Extension's Ag and Hort Labor Education Program and Mid American Ag and Hort Services (MAAHS) are sponsoring a series of workshops this winter for those who own, operate or are considering the development of temporary labor camps for agricultural and food processing workers. Candace Pollock Francisco Espinoza, John Wargowsky, Mo Saif
10/26/2004 Tax Workshops Focus on Law Issues/Changes COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tax season is fast approaching and individuals who prepare and file tax returns for individuals, small business and farmers have the opportunity to attend several Ohio State University Extension-sponsored tax preparation workshops this winter. Candace Pollock Claudio Pasian, Warren Lee
10/26/2004 Extension Program Highlights Latest in Ag Policy COLUMBUS, Ohio — The latest in agricultural information and food, farm and environmental policies and markets will be highlighted in the upcoming 2004 Ohio State University Extension Agricultural Outlook and Policy Program. Candace Pollock Dan Herms, Stan Ernst
11/01/2004 Nurseries Leading the Charge in Environmental Stewardship GALENA, Ohio — Housing development looms just on the other side of the fences of Acorn Farms, a 24-year-old wholesale container nursery that has seen crop fields and llama farms literally transformed overnight into the bustling urbanization the area has quickly be Candace Pollock Daniel Struve, Jerry Fultz
11/02/2004 Another Record Corn Harvest for Ohio COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio's corn crop is heading for its second consecutive year of record-breaking yields, something that Ohio State University Extension agricultural specialists say is unheard-of in the world of crop production. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps, Peter Thomison
11/12/2004 A Bumper Crop and No Place to Put It COLUMBUS, Ohio — U.S. growers may be enjoying a bumper crop of corn this growing season, but are facing two consequences as a result: low prices and no storage room. Candace Pollock Matt Roberts
11/12/2004 Don't Panic. Soybean Rust is Manageable WOOSTER, Ohio — With soybean rust now officially confirmed in the United States, the more educated Ohio growers are about the fungus, the better prepared they will be to manage it if it is ever diagnosed closer to home. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
11/23/2004 Ohio's Natural Resources the Focus of New Extension Program CALDWELL, Ohio — Education, appreciation, conservation — such are the ideals Ohio State University Extension Educators hope Ohioans will gain for nature under a proposed statewide OSU Extension Master Naturalist Program. Candace Pollock J.P. Lieser
11/24/2004 Ohio Soybeans On Track For Record Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio — Harvest has been long for Ohio soybean growers, but the end result is nothing to scoff at. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
11/29/2004 Ohio Signature Beef BOWLING GREEN, Ohio — Individuals who food shop in areas such as Cleveland, Toledo, Akron/Canton or Dayton may have seen packaged beef with the "Ohio Signature" label. Candace Pollock Dan Frobose
12/01/2004 Growing Season Good for Soybean Trials COLUMBUS, Ohio — Not only did Ohio growers' soybean yields benefit from the good growing season, but test results from the 2004 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials weren't too shabby either. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
12/07/2004 "Crop Profit Game" Satellite Series Scheduled COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State University Extension is on tap to offer this year's "The Crop Profit Game," a satellite series for Ohio crop producers, agronomy retailers and other agribusiness individuals. Candace Pollock Greg LaBarge
12/07/2004 Public Invited to Remember Ben Stinner Saturday, Dec. 11, at OARDC WOOSTER, Ohio — A special memorial service for Benjamin R. Stinner, an Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center scientist and the holder of Ohio State University’s W.K. Kellogg Foundation-endowed chair in ecological management, will be held Saturday, Dec. 11, 1 to 4 p.m., in the Shisler Conference Center on OARDC’s Wooster campus, 1680 Madison Ave. Kurt Knebusch Casey Hoy
12/15/2004 Students Rewarded for Business Planning Skills PIKETON, Ohio – Southern Ohio Career and Technology Center (CTC) students who participated in an Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon youth entrepreneur training course are being rewarded for their efforts. Candace Pollock Christie Welch
12/17/2004 Link Found Between Lycopene and Poor Seed Quality in Tomatoes COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tomato breeders who produce varieties high in lycopene are sometimes paying the price of increased nutritional benefits in the form of reduced production performance. But an Ohio State University study may have provided a solution to the dilemma. Candace Pollock Mark Bennett
12/20/2004 Mulch Options Exist for Tomato Growers COLUMBUS, Ohio — It's easy to recognize the benefits mulches afford vegetable crops, but the challenge lies in choosing which mulch performs the best and doesn't lighten the wallet. Candace Pollock Elaine Grassbaugh
12/22/2004 Some Wheat Yellowing from Stress WOOSTER, Ohio — The wheat crop in Ohio is on its way to another growing season, but a portion of the crop is already off to a shaky start. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps
