11/17/2011 |
Kudzu Presents Problems, Not Yet Running Rampant in the North |
WOOSTER, Ohio – An invasive species synonymous with the South has taken root in the Eastern Corn Belt, but according to Ohio State University Extension field crop pathologist Anne Dorrance, it doesn’t yet present quite the headaches for farmers above the Mason-Dixon Line as it has below.
Andy Vance |
Anne Dorrance |
11/17/2011 |
Following Harvest, Farmers Have Plenty of Work Ahead |
URBANA, Ohio – As farmers wrap up harvesting corn and soybeans across the Eastern Corn Belt, the work is just getting started on many farms, with fertilizer, herbicide and tillage applications planned in the waning weeks of productivity for 2011.
Andy Vance |
Harold Watters |
09/12/2011 |
USDA Secretary Vilsack: 'Agriculture is Cool Again' |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio’s number one industry and economic driver is again attracting the attention of young, talented people interested in a career in food and resource production and related sciences, according to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.
Andy Vance |
Tom Vilsack, Bobby Moser |
10/17/2011 |
Corn, Soybean Input Costs Expected to Climb 10-20% in 2012 |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Led by increases in fertilizer and seed, farmers can expect to spend as much as 20 percent more to produce corn and soybeans in 2012 than they did in 2011, according to Ohio State University Extension experts.
Andy Vance |
Dee Jepsen |
11/17/2011 |
Post-USDA Reports, Market Focus Likely Shifts to 2012 |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – After a November U.S. Department of Agriculture crop report described as “pretty boring,” Ohio State University Extension economist Matt Roberts said the grain markets are largely watching other markets and awaiting thoughts of buying acres for 2012 production.
Andy Vance |
Matt Roberts |
07/23/2012 |
President Gee Expresses Support for Ohio Farmers |
Concern about the drought currently gripping Ohio was apparent at Ohio State’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center, home of the annual Farm Science Review. Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee expressed his concern and support for Ohio farmers as he visited the farm today as part of the university’s annual Roads Scholars tour for new faculty.
Amy Murray |
03/11/2010 |
Ohio Company Shows 'Concrete' Support of 4-H |
ZANESVILLE, Ohio -- There's concrete support for Ohio State University Extension's 4-H program in southeastern Ohio -- at least that's the message when residents see a newly painted Smith Concrete truck traveling through the area.
Amy Grove |
Vicki Schwartz |
04/02/2007 |
Farm Safety Round-Ups Celebrate 10 Years |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Every year across the nation, more than 100 children die and more than 24,000 youth experience serious injury associated with agricultural activities. For the last 10 years, Ohio State University Extension has worked to reduce those numbers with Farm Safety Round-Ups, in which more than 12,000 youths have participated so far.
Amy Beaudreault |
Dee Jepsen |
02/23/2012 |
Free 'Growing Our Own' Gardening Workshops in Columbus |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension and Local Matters are collaborating on a series of free gardening workshops through mid-June.
Mike Hogan |
02/23/2012 |
Workshops Help Growers Make Products 'MarketReady' |
PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio food producers looking to sell through different marketing channels are invited to attend one of three MarketReady training programs. The day-long workshop teaches what is required to sell to grocers, restaurants and other wholesale buyers.
Julie Moose |
08/16/2012 |
Ohio State Names New VP for Agricultural Administration |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio State University today named alumnus Bruce McPheron vice president for agricultural administration and dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Jim Lynch, Suzanne Steel |
05/08/2012 |
Chadwick Arboretum Spring Plant Sale Set for May 10-12 |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – With Arbor Day still fresh in plant lovers’ minds and Mother's Day soon to come, the annual Spring Plant Sale, Auction, and Gardening Fair at Ohio State University's Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens is expected to draw a crowd.
Mary Maloney |
02/15/2011 |
Singh to Present Harris Award Seminar |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A University of California, Davis, professor, known for his research to improve food processing, will accept Ohio State University's 2010 Harris Award for Excellence in Food Science and Technology on Tuesday, Feb. 22.
Kelly Elisar |
12/19/2012 |
Note to CFAES News Release Subscribers |
In the next day or two, our news releases will start arriving in your inbox from a new email address: "CFAES News" <CFAESnews@osu.edu>
12/21/2011 |
Webinars Focus on Technologies to Help Increase Business |
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- A series of webinars on using social media, mobile apps and other technologies to help increase business is being offered by Penn State Extension in collaboration with Ohio State University Extension and University of Minnesota Extension.
Julie Fox |
02/23/2012 |
Ohio Farm to School Offers Free Online Presentation for Producers |
Mary Griffith |
05/20/2011 |
Media Advisory: U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur Joins OSU Extension Tomorrow (5/21) in Toledo to Kick Off EAB Awareness Week |
TOLEDO, Ohio -- U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur will join OSU Extension educators and officials from various agencies to help kick off Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week tomorrow (5/21) at Pearson Metropark, just east of Toledo.
02/29/2012 |
Media Advisory: Ohio State Expert Available to Speak on Obama’s Administration Decision Announced Today To Buy More Bio-based Products |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The announcement today from the Obama Administration on its plans to increase purchasing by the federal government of bio-based products could mean a significant financial boost for Ohio, which ranks No. 1 in terms of polymer employment, has a major bio-based product industry and is a strong agricultural producer, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Dennis Hall |
04/29/2011 |
OARDC Recognizes Composting, Bioproducts, Bioenergy Leader |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — OSU scientist Harold Keener, an expert on the engineering of composting systems, biomass energy systems and plant-based bioproducts, yesterday was named winner of OARDC's 2011 Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award.
05/24/2011 |
Media Advisory: Tree Inventory in Fairborn Tomorrow (5/25) Highlights Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week |
FAIRBORN, Ohio -- Researchers and volunteers with Ohio State University Extension and officials with the city of Fairborn will conduct a tree inventory tomorrow (5/25) at the Community Park, in an effort to highlight the multiple environmental and economic benefits of trees as part of Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week (May 22-28).
01/27/2012 |
Two Ohio Small Farm Conferences Set for March |
WILMINGTON, Ohio -- Small farm landowners interested in improving production and marketing practices will get the information they need in March at conferences hosted by Ohio State University Extension's Small Farm Program in Wilmington and Massillon.
Tony Nye |
08/14/2012 |
Farmer Views on Nutrient Loss, Water Quality to Be Discussed at Farm Science Review |
LONDON, Ohio — The majority of farmers in the Maumee watershed that drains into Lake Erie are engaged in best management practices and generally concerned about nutrient loss, said Robyn Wilson, assistant professor of risk analysis and decision science in Ohio State University’s School of Environment and Natural Resources.
Robyn Suzanne Wilson |
03/15/2012 |
MacArthur Foundation Awards Ohio State $427,000 Grant to Analyze the Use of Reverse Mortgages and Its Impact on Older Adults |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A research team led by Stephanie Moulton, an assistant professor at the John Glenn School of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University, was awarded one of five competitive grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for research to explore the relationships between housing and social and economic outcomes for families and communities.
06/01/2011 |
Media Advisory: Unique Highway Tree Planting Project Kicks Off Tomorrow (6/2) in Gahanna |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Reporters are invited tomorrow (6/2) at 10 a.m. to the kickoff of “Greening the Highways” -- a binational project that seeks to increase the survival rate and environmental benefits of trees planted in urban areas in Ontario, Canada, and Ohio. The project's first tree planting in Ohio will take place in Gahanna, at the intersection of I-270 South and Hamilton Road.
07/01/2011 |
Down-Under Digestive Microbes Could Help Lower Methane Gas From Livestock |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The discovery that a bacterial species in the Australian Tammar wallaby gut is responsible for keeping the animal’s methane emissions relatively low suggests a potential new strategy may exist to try to reduce methane emissions from livestock, according to a new study.
04/13/2012 |
Join OSU Extension's 'Live Healthy, Live Well' Email Challenge |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- If you want to get fit this spring and are interested in living a healthier lifestyle -- and you have an email address -- Ohio State University Extension has a free educational program just for you.
Cindy Shuster |
04/20/2011 |
Secrest Arboretum Plant, Art Sale is May 7 |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Secrest Arboretum’s 18th annual Plant Discovery Day takes place May 7 at OARDC.
06/01/2011 |
Fish Farming Focus of June 25 Field Day |
PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon, located off State Route 32 in Pike County, may not look like the ideal place for yellow perch, lake sturgeon, largemouth bass and blue gill. But it's full of surprises. The facility boasts the only aquaculture genetics lab in the Midwest and is the cornerstone of research and education for Ohio's $6 million aquaculture industry.
Julie Moose |
01/03/2011 |
Get the Latest on Forage Management at Heart of America Grazing Conference |
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Livestock producers looking for the latest information on forages, grazing techniques and pasture management have the opportunity to attend the Heart of America Grazing Conference this month.
Jeff McCutcheon |
08/29/2012 |
Fruit, Vegetable Safety Program Set for Sept. 24 in Chillicothe |
CHILLICOTHE, Ohio -- A program on preventing microbial contamination on fruit and vegetable farms will take place in Chillicothe. Good Agricultural Practices are the focus.
Ashley Kulhanek |