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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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03/03/2009 Economists to Offer Insight into the Economic Crisis During Live Webcast COLUMBUS, Ohio -- As the world financial crisis deepens and the economic downtown continues, Ohio State University Extension economists will offer insight on policy decisions, U.S. international relations and rural/urban economies during a live Webcast on March 17. Candace Pollock Stan Ernst
11/09/2010 Stronger Economies Together Meeting Set for West Central Ohio Counties LIMA, Ohio – Through a series of training and technical assistance workshops, Ohio is well under way to promoting regional economic development under a new national initiative intended to strengthen economies and create new jobs. Candace Pollock Nancy Bowen-Elizey
05/23/2007 A Peek into the World Beneath Our Feet WOOSTER, Ohio -- There's more to soil than just dirt. Candace Pollock Brian McSpadden Gardener
10/26/2007 Economics, Policy and Markets Focus of Agricultural Outlook and Policy Program COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The Farm Bill, grain and biofuel markets, agricultural law and farm input costs are just some of the topics being covered during this year's Ohio State University Agricultural Outlook and Policy Program. Candace Pollock Stan Ernst
08/11/2008 Experts to Debate Rising Food Prices at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- The dynamics of the global economy and food production are shifting, and agricultural economists from Ohio State University and Purdue University will discuss the driving forces behind the change during this year's Farm Science Review. Candace Pollock Stan Ernst
02/12/2002 Organic Mulches May Boost Transition from Plowed Land to No-Till WOOSTER, Ohio - Farmers looking to convert their plowed land to no-till may be able to control disease pressure and improve soil fertility by spreading organic mulches such as animal manures and composts. Candace Pollock Warren Dick
10/26/2004 Learn About Ag Labor Camps at Upcoming Workshops COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State University Extension's Ag and Hort Labor Education Program and Mid American Ag and Hort Services (MAAHS) are sponsoring a series of workshops this winter for those who own, operate or are considering the development of temporary labor camps for agricultural and food processing workers. Candace Pollock Francisco Espinoza, John Wargowsky, Mo Saif
06/02/2003 Slugs Feasting on Slow-Growing Crops WOOSTER, Ohio€” Continued cool temperatures and moist conditions have slowed down crop growth enough that gray garden slugs are beginning to make a meal of no-till corn and soybeans. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
01/04/2010 OSU Extension Entomologists Part of National Award Recognitions on Soybean Pest Management WOOSTER, Ohio – Ohio's long-standing Extension contributions to soybean pest management have resulted in two recognitions for Ohio State University Extension soybean researchers Ron Hammond and Andy Michel. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
09/14/2010 What Does it Take to Make Ends Meet? Learn Money Management Skills at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio – Visitors to Ohio State University's Farm Science Review will have fun learning how far that monthly paycheck really goes through a new interactive display featuring OSU Extension's Signature Program, "Real Money, Real World." Candace Pollock Patty House
01/09/2006 Training Workshop Offers Certification in Manure Handling MARYSVILLE, Ohio -- Manure application can be an asset for livestock producers, or a liability depending on how properly it is handled. A training workshop will be held in February for custom manure applicators interested in becoming certified or who want to learn more about manure management practices. Candace Pollock Jon Rausch
11/25/2008 OSU Extension to Offer Grain Marketing Course NEWARK, Ohio -- To help agribusinesses and producers make more sound grain marketing decisions and more thorough production, marketing and financial plans, Ohio State University Extension, in conjunction with the OSU-Newark Campus, is offering an 11-week course on agricultural futures and options. Candace Pollock Dean Baldwin, Howard Siegrist
09/09/2009 Learn How to Manage the Silent Robber of Soybean Yields at FSR LONDON, Ohio -- Pests of both the rare and the familiar will be part of the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic activities during Ohio State University's Farm Science Review. Candace Pollock Nancy Taylor
02/26/2007 Know Soil Nutrient Needs for Best Continuous Corn Management WOOSTER, Ohio – Knowing a soil's nutrient levels increases options for fertility management and can help maintain productivity in a continuous corn operation. Candace Pollock Robert Mullen
05/26/2010 Cover Crops Can Serve Corn Nitrogen Needs in Continous No-Till PIKETON, Ohio – Cover crops incorporated into a continuous no-till field crop rotation can produce enough nitrogen to complement, or in some cases, replace corn nitrogen fertilizer applications, according to long-term Ohio State University Extension research. Candace Pollock Rafiq Islam
06/04/2008 Survey Says Precision Guidance Tops for Ohio Farmers COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Guidance systems, like real-time kinetic (RTK) auto steer, continue to be one of the top precision agriculture components of choice for Ohio farmers, and the most rapidly adopted precision equipment, according to an Ohio State University agricultural economics survey. Candace Pollock Marv Batte
06/04/2008 Cereal Leaf Beetle is Back in Ohio WOOSTER, Ohio -- The cereal leaf beetle, a wheat pest of bygone days, is becoming more numerous again in Ohio, and some cereal grain growers are seeing feeding damage to their crop this season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
11/27/2001 OSU Extension to Hold Vegetable School MARIETTA, Ohio - Vegetable farmers can earn pesticide credits and get a leg up on the competition for the 2002 growing season through a program offered by Ohio State University Extension. Candace Pollock Eric Barrett
07/15/2004 Farm Focus in 30th Year VAN WERT, Ohio — Two days of agricultural and horticultural workshops, educational sessions, wagon tours of research plots, equipment demonstrations and farm collectibles toy shows are ushering in the 30th anniversary of Ohio State University's Farm Focus — northwest Ohio's premiere farm show. Candace Pollock Gary Prill
07/26/2010 Ribes Trials to Evalute Resistance and Immunity to White Pine Blister Rust PIKETON, Ohio – The small fruit industry in Ohio is quickly expanding beyond blueberries, brambles and strawberries. Candace Pollock Maurus Brown
10/18/2005 Producers Be Aware: Some Forages Toxic to Livestock COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio producers who graze their livestock on sorghum, sudangrass or sorghum-sudangrass crosses should keep in mind toxicity issues associated with the forages. Candace Pollock Steve Boyles
09/04/2008 Learn to Make Cheese With OSU Extension Workshop JEFFERSON, Ohio -- Enhance your dairy operation with a farmstead cheese business with the aid of an Ohio State University Extension cheese-making workshop. Candace Pollock David Marrison
07/20/2009 Ohio Could Set Record Wheat Yields WOOSTER, Ohio – Ohio could be looking at record wheat yields this year, driven mainly by near-perfect growing conditions and negligible disease development. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
11/13/2006 Continued Harvest Delays May Mean More Lodging Corn COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With over 30 percent of Ohio's corn crop still not yet harvested, some growers across the state may be facing significant lodging problems. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
02/20/2003 Be Prepared For High Slug Populations This Season WOOSTER, Ohio — Ohio no-till growers may be wrestling with high slug populations again this growing season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
03/31/2008 Careers, Country Benefited From Ohio State University Education COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Denis Kyetere and Bernard Bashaasha are prime examples of what happens when U.S. universities build international bridges to promote agricultural productivity, food security and economic stability. Candace Pollock Mark Erbaugh
04/09/2002 New Center to Promote Agricultural Safety and Health COLUMBUS, Ohio - Agriculture is one of the most important United States industries, representing 13 percent of the nation's economy, but it is also one of the most dangerous. Candace Pollock Tom Bean
07/03/2002 Ohio Raspberries in Short Supply This Season PIKETON, Ohio - Berry lovers who've waited all year for the sweet, juicy goodness of red and black raspberries should head out to their local farmers' markets and pick-your-own operations as early in the season as possible. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn
05/24/2010 Grow Fruits and Vegetables Anywhere With a Compost Sock PIKETON, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension horticulturists at OSU South Centers at Piketon are already picking their high tunnel strawberries – about a month ahead of field-grown strawberries. But that's not the exciting news. They will be harvesting a crop grown using potentially new technology that could make fruits and vegetables accessible to anyone, anywhere. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
07/15/2005 Berry Farm Fundraiser to Support Ohio State Cancer Research MUTUAL, Ohio — Central Ohio berry lovers have the opportunity to not only eat healthier, but also give back to the science that supports the varied health benefits of the fruit. Candace Pollock Mike Pullins, Sandy Kuhn
