03/08/2010 |
Symposium in April to Explore Carbon Sequestration in Urban Green Spaces |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Americans covet urban green spaces. We manicure golf courses, tend lawns, work the soil for home gardens, create landscaping masterpieces, and turn parks into playgrounds. Yet little is known of the carbon footprint impacts that come with heavy use and intense management. |
Candace Pollock |
Rattan Lal |
04/23/2008 |
Solution to Global Food Crisis is Managing Natural Resources |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The world may be on the verge of a second Green Revolution, says an Ohio State University soil scientist. But while the original pulled people from the brink of starvation using genetics, he believes the success of the current movement will be rooted in careful management of Earth's natural resources. |
Candace Pollock |
Rattan Lal |
08/08/2006 |
FSR Grounds a Home for Conservation Efforts |
LONDON, Ohio -- As part of a comprehensive water management plan, Ohio State University's Molly Caren Agricultural Center has become a site for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), and farmers attending this year's Farm Science Review have the opportunity to see how it works.
Candace Pollock |
Matt Sullivan |
08/02/2007 |
Grain Bin Safety Hot Topic at Farm Science Review |
LONDON, Ohio -- With market prices and ethanol demand on the rise, farmers will be dealing with corn storage issues, along with the hazards associated with grain bin operations. Ohio State University Extension specialists will be at Farm Science Review to help farmers stay safe this harvest.
Candace Pollock |
Dee Jepsen |
08/08/2005 |
School of Natural Resources Joins University Scholars Program |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State University's School of Natural Resources will be launching — through a university-wide program — an opportunity to enhance academic, co-curricular and residential experiences for undergraduate students.
Candace Pollock |
Linda Harlow, Susan Burks |
11/09/2010 |
Make Careful Decisions When Selecting 2011 Corn Hybrids |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio corn harvest may not be quite wrapped up yet this season, yet growers are already making decisions about hybrids to plant in 2011. |
Candace Pollock |
Peter Thomison |
10/09/2001 |
OARDC Event Focuses on the Edible Garden |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Innovative horticulture designs, such as the "edible landscape", are breaking the bonds of traditional planting principles. |
Candace Pollock |
Martin Quigley |
10/23/2008 |
Curious About Ohio's Wine Industry? Learn What It Takes to Establish a Commercial Vineyard |
PIKETON, Ohio -- Each year over 1.7 million people visit Ohio's 2,200 acres of vineyards and more than 100 winery operations, and demand for Ohio-produced wines continues to increase.
Candace Pollock |
Julie Strawser |
08/19/2002 |
Blame the Heat for Delayed Pumpkin Development |
COLUMBUS, Ohio - A Halloween without pumpkins is like Christmas without a tree. To miss the Halloween marketing seasaon is a scary thought for Ohio pumpkin growers whose plants are just now setting fruit. |
Candace Pollock |
Mac Riedel |
08/18/2009 |
Ohio Joins the National AgrAbility Program |
LONDON, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension has received a 4-year, $720,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to assist farmers with disabilities through the national AgrAbility program. Visitors to Ohio State University's Farm Science Review can stop by the Safety Education Area to learn more. |
Candace Pollock |
Dee Jepsen |
12/17/2009 |
Soybean School New Addition to 2010 Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference |
ADA, Ohio – An in-depth track on the ins and outs of soybean production – from weed and disease management to production techniques to maximizing yields and profits – will be the newest addition to the 2010 Ohio State University Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. |
Candace Pollock |
Randall Reeder |
02/11/2008 |
Take an IPM Approach to Preventing Wheat Disease |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- As spring approaches, along with the subsequent "green-up" of Ohio's wheat crop, growers are looking to prevent the development and spread of barley yellow dwarf virus.
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul, Ron Hammond |
09/14/2010 |
Interactive Workshops Teach Skills for Successful Business Management |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The key to a successful business lies in five functions of management: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. |
Candace Pollock |
Becky McCann |
05/23/2007 |
New Course Focuses on Workplace Relations with Hispanics |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With the labor force of agricultural-based industries dominated by Hispanic migrant workers, and owners having little knowledge of the language and culture, effective communication and relations between employer and employee can be challenging. |
Candace Pollock |
Claudio Pasian |
05/05/2005 |
The Changing Face of Computers in Agriculture |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — More Ohio farmers are jumping on the technology bandwagon. Computer adoption is increasing, according to an Ohio State University Extension survey. But what is even more revealing is how the use of such technology is changing. |
Candace Pollock |
Marvin Batte |
05/18/2006 |
New Ohio Master Gardener Coordinator Appointed |
SPRINGFIELD, Ohio -- Two years after Ohio State University Extension's statewide Master Gardener coordinator position was dissolved due to lack of funds, it's now been given new life.
Candace Pollock |
Pam Bennett |
08/08/2001 |
GPS Guidance System May Replace Industry Standard |
LONDON, Ohio -- The industry standard of using foam markers to accurately apply fertilizers and chemicals in the field is taking a back seat to GPS technology.
Candace Pollock |
Matt Sullivan |
11/12/2002 |
Ohio Peach Industry Peachy Keen |
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Peaches may very well be one of Ohio agriculture's best-kept secrets. |
Candace Pollock |
Dick Funt |
11/05/2002 |
Some Woodland Plants Are Made In The Shade |
COLUMBUS, Ohio - A little shade goes a long way in the growth and marketing of some woody plants. |
Candace Pollock |
Martin Quigley |
09/21/2009 |
Let Farm Science Review Be Your 2009 'Bale' Out |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Farm Science Review, Ohio State University's premiere annual farm show, has been described as a potpourri of the latest and greatest in the agriculture industry.
Candace Pollock |
Chuck Gamble, Matt Sullivan |
11/29/2007 |
New Trick in Measuring Carbon Shows Conservation Tillage Value |
CINCINNATI, Ohio -- Carbon sequestration -- storing soil carbon using conservation tillage practices -- is a slow process that can take years to show results. But there is a way to measure soil carbon value more quickly.
Candace Pollock |
Alan Sundermeier, Rafiq Islam, Randall Reeder |
07/26/2010 |
Harmful Algal Blooms Impacting Landowner Ponds and Small Lakes |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Harmful algal blooms, like those affecting Grand Lake St. Marys, are popping up in ponds and small lakes throughout Ohio, and Ohio State University Extension educators are encouraging landowners to protect their family, pets and livestock. |
Candace Pollock |
Bill Lynch |
02/26/2007 |
Know Soil Nutrient Needs for Best Continuous Corn Management |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Knowing a soil's nutrient levels increases options for fertility management and can help maintain productivity in a continuous corn operation. |
Candace Pollock |
Robert Mullen |
06/02/2003 |
Slugs Feasting on Slow-Growing Crops |
WOOSTER, Ohio Continued cool temperatures and moist conditions have slowed down crop growth enough that gray garden slugs are beginning to make a meal of no-till corn and soybeans.
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond |
02/11/2005 |
Precision Ag a Tool for Soybean Rust |
ADA, Ohio — Precision agriculture, which can aid growers in tracking the development and progression of crop insects and diseases, may also prove to be an effective tool when it comes to soybean rust. |
Candace Pollock |
Harold Watters |
02/02/2006 |
Slice Your On-Farm Fuel Bill with These Simple Tips |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With diesel prices on the rise -- up nearly 50 cents from this time last year and a dollar higher than in 2004 -- a little bit of savings can go a long way when it comes to taking steps to conserve fuel on the farm. |
Candace Pollock |
Randall Reeder |
05/01/2001 |
"Learning Garden" Teaches Landscaping Skills |
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Anyone seeking basic landscape garden design skills or wanting a new look to an existing layout can get hands-on experience at BioHio 2001. |
Candace Pollock |
Michael Knee |
03/26/2002 |
Deep Tillage May Be of Value in Ohio |
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Deep tillage, also known as subsoiling, may be beneficial in alleviating soil compaction and improving crop yields.
Candace Pollock |
Randall Reeder |
08/04/2004 |
Apples on Their Way to an Early Harvest |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Early bloom and favorable weather are driving apples to an early harvest. |
Candace Pollock |
Dick Funt |
04/15/2009 |
Facing Compacted Soils? Practice Continuous No-Till for Better Yields |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- When using heavy machinery on cropland under potential compaction situations, farmers may get better yields by practicing continuous no-till than with annual deep tillage.
Candace Pollock |
Randall Reeder |