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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


News Archives

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Date Title Intro Author(s)sort ascending Source(s)
10/16/2000 Chow Line: Phytochemicals help plants, humans (for 11/4/01) I keep hearing good things about "phytochemicals." What are they, exactly? Martha Filipic Joshua Bomser
02/27/2009 Chow Line: Do what you can to get enough calcium (for 3/8/09) Is there an age-related guideline for calcium intake? As an older man, I want to be sure I'm getting enough. Martha Filipic Jackie Buell
09/18/2009 Chow Line: Detailed food safety information online (for 9/27/09) My daughter recently learned she is pregnant, and I know food safety is an important issue during pregnancy. Where can we find good resources to make sure she doesn't eat anything that inadvertently would put her or her baby at risk? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
08/10/2011 Chow Line: Magnesium plays vital role in health (for 8/21/11) I've started taking calcium supplements to be sure I get the 1,200 milligrams recommended. I know that the supplements should include vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium, but a friend suggests I also need to make sure I get enough magnesium. Is that right? How much is enough?   Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
05/25/2011 Heavy Rainfall Causes Forage, Pasture Challenges COLUMBUS, Ohio -- It's probably best not to invoke the old saying "Make hay while the sun shines" to forage producers this year. The sun hasn't been shining very often, and they haven't had the ability to make much hay. Martha Filipic John Grimes, Jeff McCutcheon
03/27/2012 Farmers Consider Modifying Planting Decisions COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Although decisions on what to plant essentially took place last summer or fall when farmers ordered seed and other inputs, now is the time many consider tweaking those plans, says an Ohio State University Extension agricultural economist. Martha Filipic Barry Ward
01/20/2012 Family Fundamentals: Just put pen to paper to start on budget (January 2012) We promised ourselves we would establish a monthly budget in 2012, but now we don’t know where to start. Can you help?  Martha Filipic Nancy Stehulak
05/16/2008 Chow Line: Calcium difficult for body to absorb (for 5/25/08) I always have milk in the morning with my high-fiber cereal. But a friend told me that fiber prevents the body from absorbing calcium. If that's true, what should I do? Martha Filipic Robert DiSilvestro
01/31/2011 Learn about Online First Detector Training at Conservation Tillage Conference ADA, Ohio -- Scientists and federal officials are always on the lookout for exotic or locally occurring high-risk pests that could spell trouble for the nation's crops and landscape plants, said Nancy Taylor, director of Ohio State University's Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic.  Martha Filipic Nancy Taylor
04/19/2012 Family Fundamentals: It may be hard to tell if child is being bullied (April 2012) How can you tell if your child is being bullied at school? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
11/22/2005 Chow Line: Use time off to fight 'Freshman 15' (for 12/4/05) I just started college this fall. I'm embarrassed to go home during the holidays because I know I've gained a lot of weight (I don't have a scale but my clothes are a lot tighter). Any advice? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
02/29/2008 Chow Line: Pay attention when dining out (for 3/9/08) When I go to lunch with co-workers, I push to eat at "healthier" fast food places, but my friends say they're not really any better. Is that true? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
09/01/2005 Make Food Plan Now for Emergencies COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With clear weather in the forecast, flood warnings from earlier this week might seem like a distant memory. But Ohio State University Extension nutritionist Sharron Coplin said that this is the perfect time to do some menu planning and pantry inventory for emergencies. Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
12/21/2012 Chow Line: Saturated fat science is evolving (12/21/12) In a recent column, you said oils that are high in saturated fat aren’t heart-healthy. But I’ve read about the benefits of tropical oils, especially coconut oil. What’s up? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
01/19/2010 Family Fundamentals: Organized financial records make life easier (for Jan. 2010) I tend to keep my financial papers (at least those that I think are important) but after more than a decade, my record boxes are overwhelming my closet floor. What should I focus on keeping, and for how long? Martha Filipic Susan Shockey
03/14/2011 OSU Extension's Community Nutrition Programs Reach Tens of Thousands COLUMBUS, Ohio -- While success stories paint the picture of OSU Extension's Community Nutrition Programs, the numbers provide broad brushstrokes of the programs' impact: More than 50,000 Ohioans attended Family Nutrition Program or Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program classes last year. Martha Filipic Joyce McDowell, Maria Carmen Lambea, Ana Claudia Zubieta, Lauren Melnick, Lisa Goodall
06/15/2012 Chow Line: Tips can help senior who loses appetite (6/15/12) My mother is in her 80s and seems to have lost her appetite. She is losing quite a bit of weight, and her doctor is concerned. How can we encourage her to eat more? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
02/23/2012 Ohio State Researcher: Global Hunger May Be Double Previous Estimates COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A household food and nutrition survey developed in part by an Ohio State University researcher is uncovering a clearer picture of hunger and malnutrition throughout the world. Martha Filipic Hugo Melgar-Quinonez
03/06/2009 Chow Line: Low fat or low carb? Choose what works (for 3/15/09) I'm at high risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. I've started paying more attention to what I eat and have lost a few pounds, but should I also avoid high-carb foods? Martha Filipic Martha Belury
09/25/2009 Chow Line: Eat healthfully to fight the flu bug (for 10/4/09) Is there anything we can do nutritionally that would help me and my family stay healthy during the flu season? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
04/22/2011 Media Advisory: Arbor Day Celebration on Oval April 29 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Three newly planted yellow buckeye trees will be dedicated on Ohio State University's Oval outside of Mendenhall Lab on Arbor Day, April 29. Martha Filipic
09/23/2011 Chow Line: Apples really could keep doctor away (for 10/2/11) Are apples as good for you as other fruits are? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
01/29/2009 Chow Line: Portion control can help with diabetes (for week of 2/8/09) My wife was just diagnosed with diabetes. I do most of the cooking at our house -- what can I do differently in the kitchen to help? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
01/28/2011 Chow Line: Control blood sugar, 10,000 steps at a time (for 2/6/11) I read about a recent study that said walking 10,000 steps a day could help people manage blood sugar. Is it because walking that much helps you lose weight, or is it the exercise itself that is helpful?   Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
11/16/2012 Chow Line: Know warning signs, risk of diabetes (11/16/12) No one in my family has ever had diabetes. Does that mean I’m not at risk for developing it? Martha Filipic Carolyn Gunther
04/19/2012 Ohio 4-H Alumnus to Lead World Bank in Afghanistan, Bhutan WASHINGTON -- With a start in 4-H, you never know where you might go. Ohio 4-H alumnus Bob Saum reflected on that as he gets organized to head to Kabul on May 1, when he becomes the country director of the World Bank for Afghanistan and Bhutan. Martha Filipic Bob Saum
03/24/2006 Chow Line: Using slow cookers for roasts debatable (for 4/1/06) My husband does most of the cooking in our house. However, he sometimes cooks large roasts in our slow cooker. I have to wonder if that's a safe method. What do you think? Martha Filipic Jaime Foster
10/12/2007 Chow Line: Trick yourself to stop binging on treats (for 10/21/07) With Halloween coming up, I need to figure out how to avoid binging on candy. Any ideas? Martha Filipic Jaime Foster
03/30/2007 Chow Line: Play it safe with hard-cooked eggs (for 4/8/07) How long can you keep hard-boiled eggs? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
03/06/2008 Chow Line: Whole grain products on the rise (for 3/16/08) I read that only 7 percent of Americans eat three servings of whole grains a day. Is that accurate? Martha Filipic Anne Smith
