12/18/2012 |
OSU Extension Agronomics Team to Offer Certified Crop Adviser Exam Prep Jan. 16-17, 2013 |
SIDNEY, Ohio – People planning to take the Certified Crop Adviser exam can gain testing insight through a two-day CCA exam preparation session taught by members of Ohio State University Extension’s Agronomic Crops Team, Jan. 16-17, 2013.
Tracy Turner |
Harold Watters |
02/23/2012 |
Assistance, Screenings Offered for Farmers Battling Arthritis |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A new program offered by faculty and students from The Ohio State University Medical Center may offer solutions for farmers struggling with arthritis.
Tracy Turner |
Meg Teaford, Kent McGuire |
10/16/2012 |
OSU Extension: Producers Looking to Increase Calf Crop Value Could Turn to Surrogacy |
PIKETON, Ohio – Looking for a new way to add value to your calf crop? Try raising someone else’s calves instead of your own, an Ohio State University Extension beef expert said.
Tracy Turner |
John Grimes |
07/05/2012 |
OSU Extension Offers Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Course |
CHILLICOTHE, Ohio – Livestock producers looking to learn ways to deal with livestock mortality can earn livestock mortality composting certification in a course offered by an Ohio State University Extension educator.
Tracy Turner |
Chris Bruynis |
04/17/2012 |
Ohio State University experts research new, innovative, sustainable ways to manage pests |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Scientists at Ohio State University are in the midst of a multi-year research project looking to find ways to help growers, producers, consumers, and just about any Ohioan who has a problem with pests, find sustainable and ecological ways to manage them.
Tracy Turner |
Joe Kovach |
12/18/2012 |
Farmland Preservation Summit Set for Jan. 17 |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Farmers, landowners, planners, local officials, land trust leadership, economic development professionals and anyone interested in preserving farmland in Ohio can get tips from the experts on the subject during a farmland summit on Jan. 17.
Tracy Turner |
Mike Hogan |
02/23/2012 |
Fifteen New AgrAbility Fact Sheets Online |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Farmers, growers and any agriculture workers dealing with a disabling condition can find tips on how to cope with their condition while continuing to farm thanks to 15 new fact sheets from the Ohio State University Extension’s Ohio AgrAbility Program.
Tracy Turner |
Kent McGuire |
05/02/2012 |
Some Corn Growers Considering Replanting: Is It Worthwhile? |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The cold temperatures experienced in Ohio in the last week of April have some corn growers concerned about adverse effects on the crop and thinking about whether to replant their fields, according to an Ohio State University Extension specialist.
Tracy Turner |
Peter Thomison |
12/15/2014 |
OSU Experts to Discuss Farm Bill and What the Drought of 2012 Means for Farm Policy |
LONDON, Ohio – With the current farm bill set to expire Sept. 30, farmers, who are already dealing with the effects of the worst drought in 50 years, want to know how soon a new bill could be passed and what it will mean for their bottom line, Ohio State University Extension economist Matt Roberts said.
Tracy Turner |
Matt Roberts |
07/26/2012 |
Drought Causing Severe Threat from Twospotted Spider Mite on Ohio Soybeans |
WOOSTER, Ohio – The severe and prolonged extreme heat and rainfall shortages that have led to moderate and severe drought conditions across Ohio have also led to reports of the twospotted spider mite, a dangerous pest that can cause severe damage to soybeans, including the death of the entire plant, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said.
Tracy Turner |
Ron Hammond |
04/17/2012 |
FDA’s Call to Lessen Use of Antibiotics in Livestock Could Increase Consumer Confidence but Could Also Hurt Producers |
PIKETON, Ohio – The new rules proposed last week by the Food and Drug Administration to limit the use of antibiotics in livestock to reduce the risk of meat contaminated with drug-resistant bacteria will likely increase consumer confidence in the foods they eat, but will also likely cause additional strain to producers in the form of more work and potentially lower profits, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Tracy Turner |
John Grimes |
05/02/2012 |
Grain Rescue Simulator to Help Educate About the Hazards of Flowing Grain |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – A group of Ohio State University students in conjunction with Ohio State University Extension are working to design Ohio's first Grain Rescue Simulator trailer, which will be used to train first responders, grain industry employees and farm families about the hazards of flowing grain.
Tracy Turner |
Dee Jepsen |
07/25/2012 |
OSU Extension Offers Dairy Forum, Open House Aug. 8-10 |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Dairy nutritionists, industry professionals, producers and anyone who wants to learn the latest research on Jersey cattle, milk production and developing a Jersey branded beef program can get tips from the experts during a Dairy Educational Forum and Open House at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, on Ohio State University's campus.
Tracy Turner |
Maurice Eastridge |
05/02/2012 |
OSU Extension Expert: Proposed Farm Safety Rule Withdrawn, But Training for Teens Still Needed |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The move last week by the U.S. Department of Labor to withdraw proposed rules that would have banned children younger than 16 from using most power-driven farm equipment without first taking a training course means that farm families won’t have to take on new requirements for their children to work on the farm, but previous legislation still requires young workers to have some training when working on a farm, said Ohio State University Extension's state safety leader.
Tracy Turner |
Dee Jepsen |
10/11/2012 |
Ohio Apple Crop: Smaller but More Flavorful |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Consumers may find that while the apple pickings in Ohio may be slimmer this year, the apple crop’s overall quality will be more flavorful, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Tracy Turner |
Diane Miller |
06/29/2012 |
Agritourism Workshop Promotes Preparedness, Emergency Management |
PIKETON, Ohio – Farmers, producers, business owners and anyone who operates farm markets, pick-your-own operations, wineries, farmers markets or festivals will have the opportunity to learn how to prepare for and handle an emergency and minimize risks that may arise when the public is invited onto the farm, during an agritourism workshop and tour offered by members of Ohio State University Extension’s Sustainable Agriculture Team.
Tracy Turner |
Julie Moose |
05/31/2012 |
Wheat Growers Advised to Scout for Stripe Rust; Still Time to Apply Fungicide |
WOOSTER, Ohio – While most wheat statewide is at the early grain fill stage of development, growers should still scout carefully for stripe rust, as some farmers have reported finding the disease in their fields, according to an Ohio State University Extension wheat researcher.
Tracy Turner |
Pierce Paul |
03/16/2012 |
Ohio Corn Performance Test Sampled for Nematodes |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Amid growing questions of nematodes’ effect on corn yields in Ohio, a recent sampling in the 2011 Ohio Corn Performance Test locations found no visible evidence of nematode injury, an Ohio State University Extension specialist said.
Tracy Turner |
Peter Thomison |
03/16/2012 |
SARE Grants Millions to Fund Sustainable Agriculture Research at Ohio State |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension researchers have garnered some $2.8 million in grant funding over the last 23 years to advance sustainable agriculture issues in Ohio as part of an effort to benefit farmers, farm families and Ohioans statewide, according to a pair of OSU Extension educators.
Tracy Turner |
Mike Hogan, Alan Sundermeier |
07/20/2012 |
OSU Extension Offers Resources and Information to Manage Drought as Conditions Intensify Statewide |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – As the drought of 2012 continues to intensify statewide, Ohio State University Extension experts have developed two websites dedicated to helping farmers, producers and consumers find ways to deal with the dry conditions and extreme heat.
Tracy Turner |
Harold Watters, Don Breece, Jeff Rogers |
05/31/2012 |
New Video Series offers Livestock Farmers Access to Grazing School |
MT. GILEAD, Ohio – A new series of videos produced by Ohio State University Educators offers livestock producers detailed information on a wide variety of grazing management techniques including setting up grazing systems, conservation practices and plant management taught by OSU Extension livestock and forage experts.
Tracy Turner |
Jeff McCutcheon |
07/20/2012 |
OSU Extension Offers Tractor Safety Training Course |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Educators and volunteers interested in learning about teaching tractor and machinery certification to teens can do so at a workshop offered by Ohio State University Extension July 25.
Tracy Turner |
Dee Jepsen |
05/31/2012 |
Asiatic Garden Beetle Causing Damage to Ohio Corn |
WOOSTER, Ohio – A relatively new pest to Ohio field crops is causing concern for some northern Ohio farmers, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said.
Tracy Turner |
Ron Hammond |
10/09/2012 |
Producers: Still Time to Eliminate Weeds in Hay and Pasture Fields |
WOODSFIELD, Ohio – Farmers looking to grow highly productive pastures and hay fields still have time to fight weeds in their fields to prevent reduced forage quality and quantity, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Tracy Turner |
Mark Allen Landefeld |
06/26/2012 |
Hot, Dry Weather Could Make it Harder for Growers to Control Weeds |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – While the extended periods of hot, dry weather Ohio has experienced in recent weeks may mean that weeds aren’t growing as fast as they would in more moist conditions, the weather can still have an adverse effect on weed management for growers, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Tracy Turner |
Mark Loux |
06/26/2012 |
OSU Expert: Strong Demand for Wheat Straw Leaves Farmers Debating Whether to Sell or Leave It for Nutrients and Soil Organic Matter |
FINDLAY, Ohio – Wheat growers may have lower yields this year thanks to extreme weather and planting delays, however a strong demand for quality wheat straw may offset the loss of income from grain, an Ohio State University Extension educator said.
Tracy Turner |
Ed Lentz |
11/13/2012 |
Effects from Sandy Could Delay Harvest and Impact Corn Yields |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The high winds and heavy rains some parts of Ohio experienced last week with the remnants of Superstorm Sandy could cause stalk lodging and ear drop, leading to yield declines for corn and making a bad year even worse for many growers who’ve had losses because of the drought, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Tracy Turner |
Peter Thomison |
12/11/2012 |
OSU Expert: Farmland Value Projected to Increase in 2013 |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Cropland values in Ohio increased in 2012 and are expected to continue on an upward trend in 2013, despite the drought that devastated growers this year, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Tracy Turner |
Barry Ward |
09/06/2012 |
Protecting Harvested Grains Even More Important This Year Thanks to Drought and Lower Yield Forecasts |
VAN WERT, Ohio – With drought-impacted yields expected to be poor at best for many Ohio farms this year, growers need to take extra care to ensure that every bushel they’re able to harvest is protected against mold, pests and other problems that can ruin what grains they’ve managed to harvest, said an Ohio State University Extension educator.
Tracy Turner |
Curtis E. Young |
05/31/2012 |
Ohio Pasture Management Project Gives Livestock Farmers Guidance on Grazing |
MT. GILEAD, Ohio – An ongoing forage project conducted by Ohio State University Extension offers livestock producers detailed information on how fast pasture fields are growing statewide, providing detailed, up-to-date information on pasture growth to help producers make better management decisions.
Tracy Turner |
Jeff McCutcheon |