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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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10/18/2012 Family Fundamentals: Confusion, memory problems common in elderly (Oct. 2012) My dad is approaching 70 and seems to be getting more confused and forgetful. We don’t think it’s anything serious right now, but should we be worried about dementia?  Martha Filipic James Bates
08/20/2010 Chow Line: Meaning of dates on canned goods varies (for 8/29/10) Most canned goods seem to have dates or codes on the bottom of the can. Are these expiration dates? If so, how do I read the ones that are in code? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
04/17/2009 Chow Line: Need a wake-up call on caffeine? (for 4/26/09) When the time changed this spring, I found myself drinking a lot more coffee, and I haven't stopped. Should I be concerned about caffeine? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
03/14/2011 OSU Extension's Community Nutrition Programs Reach Tens of Thousands COLUMBUS, Ohio -- While success stories paint the picture of OSU Extension's Community Nutrition Programs, the numbers provide broad brushstrokes of the programs' impact: More than 50,000 Ohioans attended Family Nutrition Program or Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program classes last year. Martha Filipic Joyce McDowell, Maria Carmen Lambea, Ana Claudia Zubieta, Lauren Melnick, Lisa Goodall
08/28/2009 Chow Line: Many children low in vitamin D (for 9/6/09) I recently read that many children are low on vitamin D. How can I be sure my children are getting enough? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
05/19/2011 Ohio 4-H Prepares Young People for the Workforce COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio 4-H isn't billed as a workforce preparation program. But in many important ways, the youth development program helps Ohio's children and teens build the skills they'll need once they enter the working world. Martha Filipic Tom Archer, Theresa Ferrari, Nate Arnett
05/18/2012 Chow Line: Don't let vacation go to waist (5/18/12) We’ll be spending two weeks driving around the Midwest on vacation this summer. I hate the idea of eating a lot of fast food. Do you have some tips for healthy eating while on the road? Martha Filipic Linnette Goard
09/05/2008 Chow Line: Warning: 'Zeroes' on labels can add up (for 9/14/08) At what point is the amount of cholesterol and trans fat required to be listed on labels? Many foods list the amount as "0," but the ingredients indicate the food must contain some. Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
12/12/2008 Chow Line: Gut reactions to candy canes vary (for 12/21/08) I've heard contradictory views: Do candy canes cause indigestion or do they combat it? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
06/23/2011 Economist: Don't Blame Rising Food Prices on Fuel Costs COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Consumers continue to pay high prices at the fuel pump, and costs are also rising at the grocery store. But an Ohio State University agricultural economist says the two aren't related as much as people might think. Martha Filipic Ian Sheldon
02/23/2012 Family Fundamentals: A strong, happy relationship good for your health (Feb. 2012) I’m in my 50s and am happily married. I keep hearing younger people in my social circle question whether marriage is really important. Am I just old-fashioned? Or does marriage still have inherent value? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
09/01/2006 Chow Line: When alarms sound, balance risk, benefits (for 9/10/06) I got an e-mail saying prewashed, bagged lettuce might have E. coli. Is it a hoax? Martha Filipic Jeffrey LeJeune
05/04/2007 Chow Line: Be smart, informed when eating out (for 5/13/07) I'm trying to lose weight, but it's hard when we eat out. Any tips? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
11/16/2011 Family Fundamentals: It's never too early to teach kids about money (for Nov. 2011) Our children are still young (ages 4 and 6) but we want to teach them good money management practices that will last a lifetime. What can we do now and over the next few years to give them a good, solid base?  Martha Filipic Nancy Stehulak
01/28/2011 Chow Line: Control blood sugar, 10,000 steps at a time (for 2/6/11) I read about a recent study that said walking 10,000 steps a day could help people manage blood sugar. Is it because walking that much helps you lose weight, or is it the exercise itself that is helpful?   Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
01/25/2008 Chow Line: Vitamin D and heart health: jury still out Are vitamin D supplements recommended to prevent heart disease? Martha Filipic Anne Smith
05/14/2010 Chow Line: Shellac on apples not a concern (for 5/123/10) I've heard that most apples have wax or shellac on them that's hard to wash off. I'm especially concerned about shellac -- is it safe to eat? Martha Filipic Diane Miller
10/18/2012 Unbeatable Students Create UnBeetable Burger COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Apparently, it's hard to beat a burger made of beets. On Oct. 1, the "UnBeetable Burger" with a soft gourmet pretzel bun won the Student Product Development Competition of AACC International, a professional association specializing in cereal grain science.  Martha Filipic Liz Green, Luis Rodriguez-Saona
01/04/2012 Researchers Unravel Challenges of Drug-Resistant Bacteria COLUMBUS, Ohio -- For years, medical professionals and the livestock industry have made great efforts not to overuse antibiotics, but drug-resistant microorganisms continue to thrive.   Martha Filipic Hua Wang
07/06/2012 Chow Line: Now is a great time to try fresh herbs (7/6/12) Last week, I used fresh dill weed in a recipe for the first time and was surprised how mild it was -- very different from from the dried dill I normally use. I want to try using more fresh herbs. Any ideas on where I should start? Martha Filipic
02/09/2011 Soybean School Focuses on Increasing Yields ADA, Ohio -- An all-star team of soybean experts will lead an expanded Soybean School at the 2011 Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference, Feb. 24-25, in Ada, Ohio. Martha Filipic Harold Watters, Randall Reeder
08/24/2010 Family Fundamentals: Stepfamily challenges? Guidance is available online (for August 2010) Three months ago, I married a man with two children, 13 and 15, from a previous marriage. I thought by now things would be easier, but we still seem to be having trouble figuring out how to build our new family. Where can I find some guidance? Martha Filipic Lois Clark, Nancy Recker
07/29/2010 'Operation: Military Kids' Brings Kids, Parents to Campus COLUMBUS, Ohio -- "It makes them feel special for a day." That's the power behind Operation: Military Kids "Hero Camps," day-long outings for children in military families, said Jennifer Douthwaite of West Liberty, at a July 27 camp at Ohio State University. Martha Filipic Mark Wilson
04/15/2011 Chow Line: Enjoy dried fruit, but watch portions (for 4/24/11) My husband likes to snack on dried fruit, but he also needs to watch his blood sugar. Should he cut back or even eliminate dried fruit from his diet? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
09/07/2006 Survey Shows Higher Levels of Concern on Food, Agricultural, Environmental Issues COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohioans' level of concern regarding food and agricultural issues has climbed in the past two years, according to a biannual survey conducted by Ohio State University researchers. Martha Filipic Jeff Sharp
08/07/2012 New Department Chair, Native of New Mexico, Savors Buckeye Roots COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Gary Straquadine grew up in New Mexico and has spent the last 25 years in Utah, but he feels like his move to Columbus is a true homecoming. Martha Filipic Gary Straquadine
09/13/2011 Campus Prepares for 'ArboBlitz' Oct. 5-8 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Come October, Mary Maloney hopes to see hundreds of tree-huggers crowding Ohio State University's campus. "And I'm hoping for a lot of non-tree-huggers too," she said. Martha Filipic Mary Maloney
11/16/2012 Chow Line: Know warning signs, risk of diabetes (11/16/12) No one in my family has ever had diabetes. Does that mean I’m not at risk for developing it? Martha Filipic Carolyn Gunther
08/04/2011 Ohio State Scientists to Share in $25 Million Grant to Study Virus-Related Foodborne Illness COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Four Ohio State University scientists are part of a multi-state $25 million effort to reduce the number of foodborne illnesses caused by viruses. Martha Filipic Richard Linton, Jianrong Li, Linda Saif, Qiuhong Wang
05/19/2011 Late Corn Planting Won't Necessarily Mean Lower Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Rainy weather is resulting in major delays in corn planting throughout Ohio. But farmers can still hold a sliver of hope that late planting won't put a big dent in yields at harvest time. Martha Filipic Peter Thomison
