07/21/2011 |
Shearer Joins Ohio State as Chair of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University's Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering has a new department chair.
Martha Filipic |
Scott Shearer |
08/25/2004 |
4-H Founder Park, Statue Dedicated |
SPRINGFIELD, Ohio -- A.B. Graham would have been proud.
Martha Filipic |
Mike Haubner |
11/16/2011 |
December 4-H Science Saturdays Program on 'Amazing Magnets' |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Kids are certain to be drawn to the next "Science Saturdays" program offered by Ohio State University Extension 4-H Youth Development.
Martha Filipic |
Sally McClaskey |
04/19/2012 |
Chow Line: Encourage, support overweight child (4/6/12) |
My son is much too heavy for his age (he's 13) and my mother is hinting we should try putting him on a low-carb diet. I'm not sure that's a good idea, but I do think we need to do something. Any ideas?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
08/17/2007 |
Chow Line: Dry garden veggies for longtime bounty (for 8/26/07) |
I want to dehydrate some of the vegetables from my garden this year. What guidelines do you recommend? |
Martha Filipic |
Doris Herringshaw |
04/22/2008 |
Family Fundamentals: Protect family from sun's rays (for April 2008) |
My teenage daughter is gearing up for summer and is already talking about wanting a deep tan this year. Is tanning considered safe?
Martha Filipic |
Pat Brinkman |
12/11/2006 |
Family Fundamentals: Be careful not to overindulge children this holiday (for December 2006) |
My husband and I want to give our children the things we didn't have when we grew up, especially during the holidays. How can we tell if we're going overboard?
Martha Filipic |
Melinda Hill |
03/04/2011 |
Study Determining Best Practices to Manage Burcucumber in Corn |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Burcucumber can be one of the most difficult weeds to manage in corn. It can emerge well into the growing season and its vines can spread up to 25 feet and twine around corn plants.
Martha Filipic |
Mark Loux |
04/25/2008 |
Chow Line: Sunscreen interferes with vitamin D (for the week of 5/4/08) |
I know the body makes its own vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, but I've heard that sunscreens prevent that from happening. Is that true? |
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
12/15/2006 |
Chow Line: Store staples properly to keep long-term (for 12/24/06) |
I bought a lot of baking ingredients in anticipation of the holidays, but I ran out of time. What is the best way to store flour, sugar, butter and nuts for the long term?
Martha Filipic |
Jaime Foster |
08/16/2011 |
Family Fundamentals: Try this alternative 'time-out' method for children (for August 2011) |
I use 'time-out' to guide my daughter's behavior, but the power struggles that sometimes erupt make me wonder if it's worth it. Does time-out really work?
Martha Filipic |
Joseph Maiorano |
04/18/2011 |
Family Fundamentals: Daughters may not always open up to parents (for April 2011) |
My pre-teen daughter and I have a good relationship, but she refuses to talk with me when she's having problems with friends or boys. What can I do to encourage her
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
06/29/2007 |
Chow Line: Cut overall fats, then boost healthful ones (for 7/8/07) |
I can never remember what types of fat are the healthful kinds. What kinds of fats should I be looking for? |
Martha Filipic |
Gail Kaye |
03/26/2010 |
Chow Line: Many reasons for rise in child obesity (for 4/4/2010) |
Why is childhood obesity increasing at such an alarming rate?
Martha Filipic |
Hugo Melgar-Quinonez |
01/18/2011 |
Family Fundamentals: Doing own taxes? Do your homework first (for January 2011) |
Instead of paying someone else to do our taxes this year, I'm going to take a crack at it. Is there anything special I should look out for?
Martha Filipic |
Nancy Hudson |
09/07/2012 |
Chow Line: To be safe, be sure cider is pasteurized (9/7/12) |
We’re having a birthday party for our 4-year-old next month. My husband wants to serve apple cider, but I remember a few years ago there was a safety concern about cider. Is it OK now?
Martha Filipic |
Linnette Goard |
09/15/2011 |
Family Fundamentals: Online course can help with family finances (September 2011) |
My wife recently received a small inheritance. Instead of paying off some of our debt, she bought our children new games, bikes and other non-essentials. We don't see eye to eye about money. How can we get past this?
Martha Filipic |
Cazilia Loibl, Kara Newby |
02/17/2009 |
Family Fundamentals: Trimming expenses a good idea in good, bad times (for Feb. 2009) |
My husband and I feel secure financially, but I'm concerned we are simply spending too much on a day-to-day, month-by-month basis. Do you have some tips to help us cut back?
Martha Filipic |
Susan Shockey |
05/15/2009 |
Chow Line: Try heat, drying if fresh garlic turns blue (for 5/24/09) |
When I crush a fresh garlic clove and spread it on a piece of fish or meat and put it in the oven to bake, the crushed garlic turns bluish-greenish. Why does this happen? Can I prevent it?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
11/06/2009 |
Chow Line: Get answers on holiday food safety (for 11/15/09) |
I am hosting relatives over the holidays this year; several are elderly and are a bit frail, so I want to be sure I'm following all food safety guidelines. Where can I go for a refresher? |
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros, Stephanie Smith |
03/07/2003 |
Chow Line: Work some soy protein into diet (for 3/16/03) |
I want to incorporate more soy into my diet. Any ideas?
Martha Filipic |
Jaime Ackerman |
10/14/2011 |
Chow Line: Reduce risk linked to fresh produce (for 10/23/11) |
I’ve read about the deaths associated with tainted cantaloupe. How are you supposed to protect yourself against that kind of contamination?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
06/27/2008 |
Chow Line: Wash produce just before eating (for 7/6/08) |
Are there any new food safety guidelines, especially in light of the recent salmonella outbreak on tomatoes?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
03/25/2011 |
Chow Line: Honey or sugar: Is one better? (for 4/3/11) |
I think honey is healthier than sugar, but a friend disagrees, saying it’s just like liquid sugar. Who’s right?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
08/11/2004 |
4-H, Military Join Forces to Support Kids |
DAYTON, Ohio -- "I'm from Florida, but I live in Kentucky," said 12-year-old Jasmine Mills, whose father is in the U.S. Army.
Martha Filipic |
Theresa Ferrari |
12/23/2014 |
Chow Line: Spread cheer, not illness, for holidays (for 11/20/11) |
Last year, we had a party during the holidays and several guests became ill afterward. We’re not sure if it was food poisoning or not, but this year we want to be extra cautious about food safety. What are the most important things to keep in mind?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
08/24/2007 |
Chow Line: How sweet they are: A tale of two beets (for 9/2/07) |
Are sugar beets the same thing as the beets that are pickled or canned?
Martha Filipic |
Matt Kleinhenz |
03/04/2011 |
Chow Line: Help build culture of healthy living, eating (for 3/13/11) |
My family has tried over and over again to eat healthier, be more active, and lose some extra pounds, but our efforts always seem to fizzle within a few weeks. We want to start again, and this time, make it stick. Any advice?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
08/19/2011 |
Chow Line: Help children cut back on calories (for 8/28/11) |
Does eating fast food contribute to childhood obesity?
Martha Filipic |
Gail Kaye |
08/15/2012 |
4-H'er to Expand International Experience with Yearlong Internship in Japan |
Martha Filipic |
Erin Hope, Mary Lynn Thalheimer, Laryssa Hook |