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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


News Archives

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Date Title Intro Author(s)sort descending Source(s)
07/09/2010 Chow Line: Don't opt for organics for wrong reasons (for 7/18/10) I saw a message posted on the web that a person lost a lot of weight by eating only organic foods. Is that possible? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
11/04/2011 Chow Line: Take steps to prevent diabetes (for 11/13/11) My father and two of my grandparents suffered from type 2 diabetes. I’m concerned that I might be susceptible. What can I do, besides keeping my weight under control, to help prevent it? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
07/17/2009 Chow Line: Take medical advice when reducing iron (for 7/26/09) My iron levels are way too high. How can I cut back on the iron in my food? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
08/08/2008 Chow Line: Expose children to more vegetables (for 8/17/08) With school starting soon, I want to pack some fresh vegetables in my children's lunches, but I'm afraid they'll just throw them away. Any ideas? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
03/24/2006 Chow Line: Using slow cookers for roasts debatable (for 4/1/06) My husband does most of the cooking in our house. However, he sometimes cooks large roasts in our slow cooker. I have to wonder if that's a safe method. What do you think? Martha Filipic Jaime Foster
10/10/2008 Chow Line: Consumer use of food labels declines (for 10/19/08) I try to read Nutrition Facts labels when comparing foods, but a friend told me to pay more attention to ingredient lists. Really? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
09/17/2007 Family Fundamentals: Increasing emotional intelligence takes practice (for September 2007) My son is smart, but his grades are falling because he doesn't do his homework. He's in the sixth grade. Is this a phase? What can we do? Martha Filipic Nancy Recker
01/12/2007 Chow Line: Build muscle (and use it) to lose weight (for 1/21/07) I want to exercise more to help me lose weight. Should I focus more on strength-training or aerobics? Martha Filipic Jackie Buell
04/27/2012 Chow Line: Microwave ovens safe if used properly A friend forwarded an email message that showed how using water heated in the microwave (and then allowed to cool) can kill houseplants. Is using the microwave to heat food safe? Martha Filipic Linnette Goard
12/07/2007 Chow Line: Some foods risky during pregnancy (for 12/16/07) Why are pregnant women at higher risk from foodborne illness than other people? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
10/26/2012 Chow Line: Why it’s important to eat breakfast (10/26/12) I know I should eat breakfast, but I rarely do. Can you explain why it’s so important? I’m always looking for ways to try to lose some extra pounds, and it seems like a good idea to not eat when I’m not hungry, which is typically in the morning.  Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
07/10/2012 Ohio State Offers New Major in Sustainability COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Beginning this fall, undergraduate students at Ohio State University with an interest in sustainability can put their passion into practice by choosing a new sustainability major.  Martha Filipic Tim Haab, Ron Hendrick
07/16/2010 Chow Line: Fish from open Gulf areas safe, for now (for 7/25/10) Should I be concerned about buying fish or seafood? I'm worried it might be from the Gulf of Mexico and tainted from the oil spill. Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
05/18/2007 Family Fundamentals: Parents can help teens learn to manage their money (for May 2007) My children are entering their teen years, and I want to help them learn to properly manage money. Are there guidelines out there? Martha Filipic Diane Johnson
09/23/2010 Chow Line: Make better choices for healthier chili (for 10/3/10) I love to make chili in the fall. Is it very nutritious? Martha Filipic Stephanie Hillman
08/09/2012 Five Ohio State Faculty Members Recognized by American Phytopathological Society COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Five faculty members of Ohio State University's Department of Plant Pathology are being recognized this week at the annual meeting of the American Phytopathological Society (APS) in Providence, R.I. Martha Filipic
06/05/2009 Chow Line: Summer perfect time for fresh produce (for 6/14/09) I'm trying to get my children to eat more fruits and vegetables this summer. Any ideas? I don't want to buy fresh produce just to see it go to waste. Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
07/17/2009 Family Fundamentals: Financial stresses can put strain on relationship (for July 2009) Lately there's been a lot of tension between my husband and me about our finances. How can we get past this? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
08/28/2012 Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Extension's Worksite Wellness Programs a Smart Choice CHILLICOTHE, Ohio -- Employers increasingly offer worksite wellness programs to employees, for good reason: a 2010 analysis showed a decrease of $3.27 in medical expenses for every dollar invested. OSU Extension gives these efforts a much-needed shot in the arm.  Martha Filipic Lisa Barlage, Leslie Hartley, Polly Loy, Carol Chandler
08/14/2008 Family Fundamentals: Keep your saving plan on track by joining programs (for August 2008) We're trying to put a little money away from each paycheck, but there always seems to be another expense, the tiny amount of interest we earn isn't very much incentive. Any tips to help us stay on track? Martha Filipic Caezilia Loibl
09/17/2004 Chow Line: Vary veggies for vitamins (for 9/26/04) When it comes to vegetables, my husband eats only spinach -- a whole carton of frozen spinach at dinner. Is this advisable? Martha Filipic Jaime Ackerman
09/26/2012 4-H Mentoring Projects 'Making a Huge Difference' COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Sometimes kids have trouble learning from their mistakes. And sometimes, all it takes is a caring adult teaming up with those kids -- perhaps on a project that captures their interest -- that can make all the difference. Martha Filipic Jim Jordan, Carolyn Belczyk, Mark Light, Minnie Taylor, Janice Hanna
09/21/2007 Chow Line: Grapes have bunches of benefits (for 9/30/07) Lately, I've been on a grape kick. I'm surprised at how many varieties are available. What are their best points, nutrition-wise? Martha Filipic Josh Bomser, Joe Scheerens
01/12/2007 Family Fundamentals: Set goals to create long-term savings plans (for January 2007) We have little debt except for our mortgage, but don't have any plan for saving money for the long term. How do we start? Martha Filipic Lois Clark
12/14/2007 Family Fundamentals: Take it slow when returning home after being away (for 12/2007) My husband started a new job that requires a lot of travel. He will come home just before Christmas. What can we do to make sure his return is welcome, not stressful, for our young children? Martha Filipic Doris Herringshaw
07/16/2010 Family Fundamentals: Website helps people plan for retirement (July 2010) My husband just retired, and I plan to retire within five years. We both are lucky to have good pension plans, but that has made us a bit lax in studying our finances. Where should we start? Martha Filipic Christine Olinsky
02/23/2012 Chow Line: New findings shed light on diverticulosis (2/10/12) I spoke with a friend recently who said he had a bad attack of diverticulitis. First, is that the same thing as diverticulosis? Also, can a high-fiber diet help prevent either condition?   Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
10/07/2011 Farmland Preservation Summit Nov. 17 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The 12th annual Ohio Farmland Preservation Summit is planned for Thursday, Nov. 17. Martha Filipic Jill Clark
05/18/2007 Chow Line: Keep summer heat from spoiling picnic Last year, I got sick after a family picnic. How can we prevent food-borne illness this year? Martha Filipic Ken Lee
09/30/2010 Family Fundamentals: Plenty of information available on strong marriages (Oct. 2010) I am lucky to have been happily married for 10 years, and every year it seems to get better. But when people ask us how we have stayed so close over the years, we're a bit stumped to give an answer. Is there a list of qualities for 'good marriages' that might help us articulate what we are experiencing? Martha Filipic Melinda Hill
