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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


News Archives

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Date Title Intro Author(s)sort descending Source(s)
11/09/2006 Chow Line: Choose right foods to reduce cholesterol (for 11/19/06) I saw your column on oatmeal and how it can lower cholesterol. Are there other foods that do the same? Martha Filipic Jaime Foster
12/14/2007 Chow Line: Clementines chock full of nutrition (for 12/23/07) I love those little clementine oranges. Do they have as much vitamin C as other oranges? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
08/24/2012 Chadwick Arboretum Fundraiser Sale Sept. 7-9 DELAWARE, Ohio -- Gardeners: There's still plenty of time this season to get your hands dirty. And a special fall plant sale to benefit Ohio State University's Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens Sept. 7-9, 2012, will help make your efforts worthwhile. Martha Filipic Mary Maloney, Linda Johnson
10/27/2009 Family Fundamentals: Talk with your teen about risky behaviors, costs (for October 2009) Our daughter is 13 and I'm worried about decisions she will make in the next few years. My husband says all teens take risks and we shouldn't expect anything different. I still want to protect her, though. What's the best route to take? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
01/07/2011 Chow Line: Suffering from gout? Pay attention to diet (for 1/16/11) My 86-year-old father-in-law is visiting. He's in good health, but has periodic problems with gout. Are there certain foods he should avoid to prevent a recurrence? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
11/06/2001 Following 'Rules' Helps People Save COLUMBUS, Ohio -- At a time when personal savings has plummeted, Ohio State University researchers have found that people who set specific "saving rules" for themselves are 161 percent more likely to save money than those who don't. Martha Filipic Jong-Youn Rha
05/25/2007 Chow Line: Use crispers to store, separate produce I'm never really sure how to use the humidity controls on my refrigerator's fruit and vegetable crispers. Any advice? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
09/21/2012 Chow Line: Keep physically fit at any weight (9/21/12) I’ve seen conflicting information about whether or not being obese is actually harmful to your health. Can you clarify? Martha Filipic Carolyn Gunther
10/15/2010 Chow Line: Pumpkin seeds pack a lot of punch (for 10/24/10) My family loves snacking on pumpkin seeds. I've heard they're quite nutritious -- are they? Martha Filipic Becky Vaschak
04/22/2009 Family Fundamentals: Talk with teens about impact of pregnancy (for April 2009) Some of my daughter's classmates actually say they do not need to worry if they have a baby because they would be eligible for government programs. I want to give my daughter information to counter this notion. Where can I find it? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
09/12/2011 Champion Dog Breeder: 'I Owe It All to 4-H' COLUMBUS, Ohio – David Vollette has made a mark showing and breeding dogs on an international scale. And, he says, it wouldn’t have happened without Ohio 4-H. Martha Filipic Tom Archer, Lucinda Miller, David Vollette
02/04/2011 Chow Line: Lose weight with new Dietary Guidelines (for 2/13/11) I understand the new Dietary Guidelines focus a lot on weight loss, but nothing seems to work for me. Are there any new ideas?  Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
06/23/2006 Chow Line: Your nose knows ripe cantaloupe (for 7/2/06) How can you tell cantaloupe if is ripe? I love it but rarely buy it because I'm never sure if it's good or not. Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
05/24/2011 Columbus 4-H Camps Focus on Pets, Robots COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Students entering grades 6, 7 or 8 this fall have two camping opportunities at Ohio State University Extension's Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center this summer.  Martha Filipic Sally McClaskey
07/24/2009 Chow Line: Tomatoes loaded with health benefits (for 8/2/09) We love eating tomatoes during the summer. What are their best qualities, nutrition-wise? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
03/21/2008 Chow Line: Peanuts nutritious but pack in the calories What are the nutrition pros and cons for peanuts? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
03/11/2011 Chow Line: Calorie counts on menus just one step (for 3/20/11) I was looking forward to seeing calorie information on restaurant menus, but I just heard a study saying it doesn't seem to help people (at least children) make better choices. Is that true?  Martha Filipic Gail Kaye
06/23/2011 Chow Line: Help kids follow the Dietary Guidelines (for 7/10/11) I want to help my kids eat healthier and I'm trying to follow the MyPlate guidelines. Is there anything in particular I can do to help them establish healthy eating patterns that will last for life?   Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
10/24/2008 Chow Line: Corn or flour tortilla? Choose best of either (for 11/2/08) I love Mexican food, but I've often wondered which is the better choice, nutrition-wise: flour or corn tortillas? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
11/09/2006 Family Fundamentals: Protect yourself from identity fraud (for November 2006) How can I protect myself from identity theft? Martha Filipic Nancy Hudson
11/20/2012 Chow Line: Tips to prevent holiday weight gain I need some inspiration to help keep me from gaining weight during the holidays. Any ideas?  Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
04/22/2011 Chow Line: Asparagus: Get it fresh, don't overcook (for 5/1/11) When I was growing up, I hated asparagus, and I've avoided it ever since. But I was recently at a conference where they served grilled asparagus. It was delicious. Could my taste buds have changed that much?  Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
01/06/2012 Chow Line: Limit sodium, boost potassium for health (1/6/12) Can you explain how sodium and potassium work in the body?   Martha Filipic Hugo Melgar-Quinonez
10/30/2009 Chow Line: Some need to watch vitamin K intake (for 11/8/09) A friend told me that she has started taking a certain type of medication and now she needs to avoid foods with vitamin K. Can that be right? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
09/30/2011 Chow Line: Sugar intake can affect triglycerides (for 10/9/11) My triglyceride numbers are climbing a bit, and I was told to cut back on my added sugar intake. That surprised me -- I know that saturated fat and trans fat can affect blood cholesterol and triglycerides, but what does sugar have to do with it? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
03/02/2012 Chow Line: Try an orange a day for good health (3/2/12) I try to drink orange juice or eat an orange or half a grapefruit every day during the winter to help ward off colds and other illnesses. A friend told me that unless I was afraid of scurvy, I don’t need to be so vigilant. Am I fooling myself about the benefits of citrus? Martha Filipic Linnette Goard
08/20/2008 Food Scientist Honored with Designated Professorship COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A substantial gift to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has created a designated professorship to honor a faculty member for his extensive research in food safety. Martha Filipic Ahmed Yousef
06/08/2007 Chow Line: Keep moving to burn more calories (for 6/17/07) I'm always much more physically active in the summer, but this year I'm also watching what I eat. How can I tell how many calories I'm burning? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
09/20/2012 'Research Powerhouses' Join Forces in New Multistate Venture FORT WAYNE, Ind. - Faculty from Michigan State University, Ohio State University and Purdue University gathered earlier this month in a new effort to strengthen both research and Extension outreach in food safety issues.  Martha Filipic John Baker, Jeff LeJeune, Karen Plaut
10/22/2010 Chow Line: Diabetes must be taken seriously (for 10/31/10) My wife was just diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. How serious of a condition is it? Martha Filipic Shelby Sutphen
