12/16/2011 |
Chow Line: Lower temp OK for pork, but let it rest (for 12/25/11) |
My family is coming over on New Year’s Day, and we always serve pork roast for luck. My daughter suggested that I cook the roast only until it gets to 145 degrees (internal temperature) so it stays moist, but all my life I’ve cooked pork to 160 degrees, and that’s what my cookbooks say. Is my daughter’s suggestion safe?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
05/02/2012 |
USDA Grant Turns Up Heat on Ohmic Processing |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Sudhir Sastry has studied ohmic heating for decades, but the process continually sparks his curiosity. Sastry's team recently won a $492,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture grant on using the process to control enzymatic activity in tomatoes.
Martha Filipic |
Sudhir Sastry |
09/15/2008 |
Family Fundamentals: Parents: Watch for signs of online bullying (for September 2008) |
We have recently discovered that our daughter has been bullied online. What's the best approach to deal with this?
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
11/09/2006 |
Chow Line: Choose right foods to reduce cholesterol (for 11/19/06) |
I saw your column on oatmeal and how it can lower cholesterol. Are there other foods that do the same? |
Martha Filipic |
Jaime Foster |
01/24/2012 |
Sports Turf Managers Fighting Bugs by Going Green |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Not surprisingly, more turf managers are interested in going green.
Martha Filipic |
Dave Shetlar |
07/13/2012 |
Chow Line: New to canning? Do your homework (7/13/12) |
Since I retired and I have more time on my hands, I’d like to try home canning. Where should I start?
Martha Filipic |
Linnette Goard |
07/26/2007 |
Chow Line: Bored with lettuce? Be bold with greens (for 8/5/07) |
I'm interested in trying some different kinds of greens for my salads, but I'm not sure what would be the best choices. Any ideas? |
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
10/27/2009 |
Family Fundamentals: Talk with your teen about risky behaviors, costs (for October 2009) |
Our daughter is 13 and I'm worried about decisions she will make in the next few years. My husband says all teens take risks and we shouldn't expect anything different. I still want to protect her, though. What's the best route to take?
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
10/07/2011 |
Chow Line: Alcohol/weight gain interaction complex (for 10/16/11) |
I’ve seen conflicting information about how much of an effect drinking alcohol might have on weight gain. Can you explain?
Martha Filipic |
Hugo Melgar-Quinonez |
03/15/2012 |
Chow Line: Calcium essential throughout life (3/16/12) |
My doctor suggested I take a few antacid tablets every day to get additional calcium. A colleague said I should space them throughout the day instead of taking them all at once. Is that true?
Martha Filipic |
Dan Remley |
01/30/2015 |
Family Fundamentals: Don't fear money talk; not talking about it is worse (for March 2011) |
I’m newly married, and I find myself hiding small expenditures from my husband. I don’t think he’d have a problem with them, but for some reason I just don’t feel like bringing them up. Is this a red flag I should do something about, or is this common for new couples?
Martha Filipic |
Nancy Hudson |
06/04/2010 |
Chow Line: Enjoy fried treats occasionally (for 6/13/10) |
My wife has type 2 diabetes and has to control her intake of carbs. But she loves fried green tomatoes and could eat them six times a week. Is there a substitute for regular flour she can use?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
04/22/2009 |
Family Fundamentals: Talk with teens about impact of pregnancy (for April 2009) |
Some of my daughter's classmates actually say they do not need to worry if they have a baby because they would be eligible for government programs. I want to give my daughter information to counter this notion. Where can I find it?
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
08/25/2008 |
University Wetland Gets International Eye |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A Korean television crew visited Columbus' world-renown wetland Aug. 11-12 to shoot footage for a documentary to air in Korea during the international Ramsar Convention on Wetlands triennial meeting.
Martha Filipic |
Bill Mitsch |
06/15/2009 |
Program Helps Children Prepare for Being Home Alone |
MARYSVILLE, Ohio -- Summertime means schools are out, and kids are in -- at home, often for the first time, alone.
Martha Filipic |
Carol Chandler |
07/01/2009 |
Chow Line: Help available on food preservation (for 7/19/09) |
We're working hard on our vegetable garden this year and I want to do some food preservation (freezing or maybe even canning) so we can enjoy our harvest well into winter. How can I make sure I'm doing it right?
Martha Filipic |
Doris Herringshaw |
03/21/2008 |
Chow Line: Peanuts nutritious but pack in the calories |
What are the nutrition pros and cons for peanuts?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
12/16/2011 |
Ohio 4-H Alum Makes His Mark Internationally |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- David O'Brock grew up at the edge of North Benton, a small town in northeast Ohio near the Mahoning/Portage county line. His mother was an advisor for a 4-H club, and he tagged along to 4-H meetings with his older siblings even before he was old enough to join.
Martha Filipic |
David O'Brock, Mary Lynn Thalheimer |
09/16/2010 |
Family Fundamentals: Know your facts when considering reverse mortgages (for September 2010) |
My husband and I are in our 70s. We own our home outright and have a lot of equity built up. But because of some rising expenses, we're thinking of getting a reverse mortgage. What are the pros and cons that we should be aware of?
Martha Filipic |
Betsy DeMatteo |
11/09/2006 |
Family Fundamentals: Protect yourself from identity fraud (for November 2006) |
How can I protect myself from identity theft?
Martha Filipic |
Nancy Hudson |
06/01/2011 |
It's 'Sink or Swim' Week for Ohio's Corn Growers |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Drier weather in the past few days has Ohio's farmers itching to get in their fields to get corn planted. According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, only 19 percent of Ohio's corn crop was planted as of Sunday, May 29. Normally, 93 percent of the crop is planted at this point.
Martha Filipic |
Greg LaBarge |
08/02/2007 |
Chow Line: Seeded or seedless, watermelon a treat |
Are seedless watermelons less sweet than seeded varieties?
Martha Filipic |
Elaine Grassbaugh |
10/30/2009 |
Chow Line: Some need to watch vitamin K intake (for 11/8/09) |
A friend told me that she has started taking a certain type of medication and now she needs to avoid foods with vitamin K. Can that be right?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
08/09/2012 |
Online Challenge Can Help 'Kick Off the Pounds' |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- One healthy habit a week for six weeks -- that's the cornerstone of a "Kick Off the Pounds" online email challenge sponsored by Ohio State University Extension Aug. 27 through Oct. 9.
Martha Filipic |
Michelle Treber |
03/15/2012 |
Family Fundamentals: Make wise choices when you get tax refund (for March 2012) |
We’re eagerly awaiting our tax refund, but we disagree on what to do with it. We do agree that we want to be smarter about our saving and spending habits. Are there good guidelines we can follow?
Martha Filipic |
Joyce Fittro |
03/17/2011 |
Chow Line: Pros and cons of sugar alcohols (for 3/27/11) |
At a diabetes education class, I learned that "sugar-free" candies sometimes have more carbohydrates than their regularly sweetened counterparts. Why would anyone do that?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
02/16/2007 |
Chow Line: Even LDLs aren't all bad (for 2/25/07) |
I know there is "good" and "bad" cholesterol, but how do they actually work? |
Martha Filipic |
Josh Bomser |
06/11/2010 |
Chow Line: Mediterranean-style diet has benefits (for 6/20/10) |
I have heard a lot of good things about adopting a Mediterranean-style diet over the years. I don't want to make a drastic change, but what can I do to start transitioning to a diet that's more in line with what they recommend?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
04/24/2009 |
Chow Line: Eating 'on automatic' hard to overcome (for 5/3/09) |
I know all about healthful eating and cutting calories to lose weight. But I just can't seem to sustain that kind of effort for long. What's wrong with me? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
03/11/2010 |
UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC |
UPDATE: MSNBC will broadcast the program, titled "Operation Yellow Ribbon," this Saturday, March 13, at noon to 1 p.m. Eastern time and again on Sunday, March 14, from 1-2 p.m. Eastern time. COLUMBUS, Ohio -- This month, NBC's Olympic coverage will include one Canada-based story that has nothing to do with sports, but that has everything to do with the basic Olympian value of building a better world. Incongruously, it's a story that began on Sept. 11, 2001.
Martha Filipic |
Shirley Brooks-Jones |