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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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03/04/2011 $5 Million Bioenergy, Bioproducts Project Offers Opportunities for Ohio Teachers COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The potential of tomorrow's bioenergy and bioproducts rests in today's classrooms. And Ohio State University is taking part in a multi-state project offering teachers with training and toolkits to prepare students for careers in this growing field. Martha Filipic Denny Hall
06/07/2012 Couple Honored for Research, Teaching in Food Science and Technology COLUMBUS, Ohio -- In April, Monica Giusti was recognized at the annual conference of Ohio State's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center for receiving the 2011 TechColumbus Outstanding Woman in Technology. In May, Luis Rodriguez-Saona received the Rodney F. Plimpton Outstanding Young Teacher Award from Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Martha Filipic Rich Linton, Monica Giusti, Luis Rodriguez-Saona
12/19/2006 Chow Line: Fight colds, flu with balanced diet (for 12/31/06) Every winter, I seem to have one bad bout of cold or flu. Are there any foods I can eat that would help boost my immune system? Martha Filipic Marti Andrews
02/27/2012 MEDIA ADVISORY: Norovirus Experts Available to Discuss Recent Outbreaks WOOSTER, Ohio -- Two recent outbreaks of norovirus in Granville in central Ohio -- on top of other outbreaks across the country -- have Ohio State University food safety experts warning people to take precautions to prevent the spread of the foodborne illness. Martha Filipic Qiuhong Wang, Linda Saif
05/09/2008 Chow Line: Take steps to prevent osteoporosis (for 5/18/08) My mother was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. What can I do to reduce my risk, and my children's? Martha Filipic Marti Andrews
01/14/2011 Chow Line: Build diet around nutrient-rich foods (for 1/23/11) I keep hearing about "nutrient-rich" foods. Do you have any ideas on how I could incorporate more into my diet?   Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
06/01/2011 It's 'Sink or Swim' Week for Ohio's Corn Growers COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Drier weather in the past few days has Ohio's farmers itching to get in their fields to get corn planted. According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, only 19 percent of Ohio's corn crop was planted as of Sunday, May 29. Normally, 93 percent of the crop is planted at this point.    Martha Filipic Greg LaBarge
04/09/2010 Chow Line: Calorie counts on menus helpful (for 4/18/10) I've heard that the new health care law will require restaurants to provide calorie information to consumers. Will that really improve people's health? Martha Filipic Gail Kaye
04/16/2010 Chow Line: More say: 'Yogurt, it's Greek to me' (for 4/25/10) What can you tell me about Greek yogurt? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
03/16/2007 Chow Line: Baby carrots big on nutrition Are baby carrots really young carrots? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
09/15/2006 Family Fundamentals: Don't bust the budget: Occasional expenses can add up (for September 2006) My wife and I have a budget. On paper, we should be saving $200-400 a month, but usually unexpected bills prevent us from saving anything. Any advice? Martha Filipic Jean Clements
11/19/2012 First-of-its-kind Wastewater Treatment System Saves Turkey Processor Millions, Protects Environment HARRISON, Ohio -- A southwestern Ohio turkey processing plant has much to be thankful for this season. Whitewater Processing Co. slaughters and processes 6,000 to 8,000 turkeys on a normal day. The Kopp family has run the business since the 1930s and wanted to stay put. Martha Filipic Karen Mancl, Ryan Kopp
05/22/2009 Chow Line: Sanitize countertops and cutting boards (for 5/21/09) Should I use a sanitizer to clean counter tops and cutting boards, or does hot water and soap do the job? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
12/15/2009 Family Fundamentals: Retiring? Expect to go through different phases (for December 2009) My husband is planning to retire next year. We'll be OK financially, but what other aspects of retirement should we be preparing for? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
08/24/2012 Chow Line: Behavior changes key in weight loss (8/24/12) What are some of the things people do (besides eating less) to help them lose weight successfully? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
08/19/2005 Chow Line: Vitamin K appears vital for bones (for 8/28/05) What does vitamin K do? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
07/11/2008 Family Fundamentals: Don't be afraid to talk with children about war (for July 2008) My young children sometimes watch the TV news with us. How should we handle their questions about war and similar issues? Should we keep them from being exposed to this kind of news? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
12/19/2011 Ohio State Economists: Shale Gas May Bring Fewer Jobs Than Thought COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A recent industry-funded study estimating that development of shale natural gas and oil could create or support 200,000 jobs in Ohio greatly overestimates the economic impact of the industry, according to a new Ohio State University analysis. Martha Filipic Mark Partridge, Amanda Weinstein
02/20/2009 Chow Line: Just how much vitamin D is enough? (for 3/1/09) Has the recommended amount of vitamin D for adults been increased recently? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
09/20/2012 'Research Powerhouses' Join Forces in New Multistate Venture FORT WAYNE, Ind. - Faculty from Michigan State University, Ohio State University and Purdue University gathered earlier this month in a new effort to strengthen both research and Extension outreach in food safety issues.  Martha Filipic John Baker, Jeff LeJeune, Karen Plaut
02/23/2012 Chow Line: High sodium hidden in all sorts of foods (Feb. 24, 2012) I recently read something about bread having a lot of sodium in it. Really, bread? I find that hard to believe.  Martha Filipic Hugo Melgar-Quinonez
10/19/2012 Chow Line: Whole grains turn up in surprising places (10/19/12) A group of us were watching a football game last week, and someone claimed that the tortilla chips we were eating counted as a “whole-grain” food. I find that hard to believe. Is that right? Martha Filipic Carolyn Gunther
06/02/2011 New Icon Reveals the Power of the Plate COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Pyramid power is out. The power of the plate is in. The U.S. Department of Agriculture unveiled a new food icon, MyPlate, on June 2. It will replace the MyPyramid icon used in nutrition education since 2005. Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
04/16/2010 Family Fundamentals: Parents: Strengthen family by changing your focus (for April 2010) Our son has never been a great student, but the stakes are higher now that he's in high school, and we can't get him to understand that. Nothing we've tried has worked -- he just doesn't care about getting good grades. What can we do? Martha Filipic Stephen Gavazzi
03/27/2012 Farmers Consider Modifying Planting Decisions COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Although decisions on what to plant essentially took place last summer or fall when farmers ordered seed and other inputs, now is the time many consider tweaking those plans, says an Ohio State University Extension agricultural economist. Martha Filipic Barry Ward
07/13/2007 Chow Line: Most children don't get enough calcium (for 7/22/07) I heard most children don't consume enough calcium. How much should they get? Martha Filipic Jackie Buell
10/10/2011 Niblack Takes Helm of Plant Pathology COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Terry Niblack is proud to be sitting at the helm of "what's arguably the best plant pathology department in the country."  Martha Filipic Terry Niblack
08/02/2012 Register Now for New Environmental Leaders Institute COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A series of workshops from September to January is geared to help environmental professionals address complex issues and work collaboratively with fellow professionals across private, nonprofit and government sectors. Martha Filipic Anne Baird, Joe Bonnell
11/08/2005 Family Fundamentals: Happy Holidays? Cope with Stress, Tension I’m dreading the holidays. Something always happens and I usually become very upset. Is there anything I can do to de-stress and actually enjoy myself this year? Martha Filipic Ted Futris
11/15/2012 Family Fundamentals: Make plan, be firm to curb holiday spending (for November 2012) Every year, I spend more money than I want to during the holidays. Can you suggest ways to help me not go overboard this year? Martha Filipic Patricia Brinkman
