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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


News Archives

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Date Title Intro Author(s)sort descending Source(s)
12/13/2012 Armageddon or Not, Now's an Opportune Time to Prepare for Emergency COLUMBUS, Ohio -- If doomsday -- or, alternatively, winter -- is approaching, you'd better be prepared.  Martha Filipic Kent McGuire
10/03/2011 New Food Science, Technology Chair Hopes to Form New Partnerships COLUMBUS, Ohio -- In his new role as chair of Ohio State University's Department of Food Science and Technology, Richard Linton plans to forge new partnerships. Martha Filipic Richard Linton
07/16/2010 Chow Line: Fish from open Gulf areas safe, for now (for 7/25/10) Should I be concerned about buying fish or seafood? I'm worried it might be from the Gulf of Mexico and tainted from the oil spill. Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
11/16/2010 Family Fundamentals: Your credit score can have profound effect (for November 2010) I recently got a free copy of my credit report. Everything appears to be in order, but I was surprised that the report didn't include my credit score. Is it important that I know my score? If so, how can I obtain it? Martha Filipic Christine Olinsky
02/17/2009 Family Fundamentals: Trimming expenses a good idea in good, bad times (for Feb. 2009) My husband and I feel secure financially, but I'm concerned we are simply spending too much on a day-to-day, month-by-month basis. Do you have some tips to help us cut back? Martha Filipic Susan Shockey
06/12/2009 Chow Line: Focus on health to help kids lose weight (for 6/21/09) My daughter never lost her "baby fat" and is now a pre-teen with a weight problem that she is defensive about. How can I help? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
11/06/2009 Chow Line: Get answers on holiday food safety (for 11/15/09) I am hosting relatives over the holidays this year; several are elderly and are a bit frail, so I want to be sure I'm following all food safety guidelines. Where can I go for a refresher? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros, Stephanie Smith
09/07/2012 Chow Line: To be safe, be sure cider is pasteurized (9/7/12) We’re having a birthday party for our 4-year-old next month. My husband wants to serve apple cider, but I remember a few years ago there was a safety concern about cider. Is it OK now?  Martha Filipic Linnette Goard
06/07/2010 Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Steven Still was "green" before green was cool. Nearly four decades ago, Still earned his doctorate at the University of Illinois by examining if waste hardwood bark, instead of being burned or dumped by distilleries that use the wood for whiskey barrels, could be used as a growing medium. Martha Filipic Steven Still
08/15/2008 Chow Line: Whichever salt you use, consume less (for 8/24/08) Is sea salt more healthful than regular salt? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
05/08/2006 Family Fundamentals: Pets can be a mixed bag for older Americans (for May 2006) I’m in my late 60s, I live alone, and I’m thinking about adopting a dog. Some family members have indicated that they don’t think it’s a good idea. What are the pros and cons? Martha Filipic Christine Price
04/27/2012 Ohio State to Host Second Conference on Ohio Oil and Gas Law COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Continued development of Ohio’s shale energy resources has prompted Ohio State University's Agricultural and Resource Law Program to plan the second annual Ohio Oil and Gas Law Symposium. Martha Filipic Peggy Hall
01/19/2012 $320,000 Tractor Donated; Another on the Way Agricultural Systems Management program to benefit. Martha Filipic Scott Shearer, Dewey Mann, Tom Stannard
09/28/2011 Two 4-H Events Offer Science Fun COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Making mozzarella cheese, spinning wool after a sheep-shearing demonstration, and creating a lamp from an empty pop can are just some of the hands-on fun but educational experiences available at two upcoming Columbus events sponsored by Ohio 4-H. Martha Filipic Sally McClaskey
01/19/2007 Chow Line: When good mushrooms go bad (for 1/28/07) I enjoyed your recent article on mushrooms. My question is, what are the signs that mushrooms have spoiled? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
04/25/2008 Chow Line: Sunscreen interferes with vitamin D (for the week of 5/4/08) I know the body makes its own vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, but I've heard that sunscreens prevent that from happening. Is that true? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
02/06/2003 Chow Line: Waxy or mealy? Choose spuds wisely (for 2/16/03) At a holiday dinner, my daughter used russets to make mashed potatoes. I always thought russets were for baking. Am I wrong? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
02/23/2012 Chow Line: New findings shed light on diverticulosis (2/10/12) I spoke with a friend recently who said he had a bad attack of diverticulitis. First, is that the same thing as diverticulosis? Also, can a high-fiber diet help prevent either condition?   Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
07/16/2010 Family Fundamentals: Website helps people plan for retirement (July 2010) My husband just retired, and I plan to retire within five years. We both are lucky to have good pension plans, but that has made us a bit lax in studying our finances. Where should we start? Martha Filipic Christine Olinsky
08/16/2011 Family Fundamentals: Try this alternative 'time-out' method for children (for August 2011) I use 'time-out' to guide my daughter's behavior, but the power struggles that sometimes erupt make me wonder if it's worth it. Does time-out really work? Martha Filipic Joseph Maiorano
06/29/2007 Chow Line: Cut overall fats, then boost healthful ones (for 7/8/07) I can never remember what types of fat are the healthful kinds. What kinds of fats should I be looking for? Martha Filipic Gail Kaye
06/29/2007 Chow Line: Calorie confusion can derail weight loss (for 7/15/07) I want to lose weight, but I don't want to go "on a diet" -- diets have never worked for me in the past. Any ideas? Martha Filipic Gail Kaye
03/09/2007 Chow Line: Watch portions with corned beef (for 3/18/07) How do they make corned beef? Why is it called "corned"? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
08/15/2012 4-H'er to Expand International Experience with Yearlong Internship in Japan Martha Filipic Erin Hope, Mary Lynn Thalheimer, Laryssa Hook
02/20/2009 Ohio State Faculty Member Honored as Fellow of Food Systems Leadership Institute COLUMBUS, Ohio -- An Ohio State University professor was one of 20 fellows of the Food Systems Leadership Institute honored at the annual meeting of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) in Chicago. Martha Filipic Robert Birkenholz
04/29/2011 Chow Line: Peppermint could ease pain in gut (for 5/8/11) I suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. I heard that peppermint might help ease my symptoms, but it sounds like folklore to me. How true is it? Martha Filipic Amber Riggin
06/18/2012 Family Fundamentals: Help new parents feel more confident in selves (June 2012) My son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first baby. They seem to be focusing on preparing the nursery and stocking up on baby clothes, but I’m concerned they don’t seem to appreciate what it takes to be a good parent. How can I help them prepare for parenting? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
10/25/2011 Researchers Tackle Safety Issues with Leafy Greens COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Leafy green vegetables, power-packed with nutrients, are a growing part of the average American diet. Yet in 2009, leafy greens also made the Center for Science in the Public Interest's "Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods." Here's what Ohio State researchers are doing to help.  Martha Filipic Sudhir Sastry, Gonul Kaletunc, Ahmed Yousef
06/19/2009 Chow Line: Folic acid vital for women (for 6/28/09) Is there a new recommendation for folic acid for adult women? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
05/06/2011 Chow Line: Make sure you get enough calcium (for 5/15/11) I just turned 50. Do I need to increase my calcium intake? Martha Filipic Amber Riggin
